- Feb 07, 2022
Reiter, Christoph authored
In case the scoped registry polyfill is loaded we need to create elements inside of the shadowroot. getShadowRootDocument() returns the polyfilled shadowroot, or in case the polyfill is not loaded just return the global document, which works in case there are no scoped registries. In case we get something like https://github.com/open-wc/open-wc/pull/2389 this will be usefull. Also it makes IDE completion work + eslint.
- Feb 02, 2022
Reiter, Christoph authored
- Nov 30, 2021
Reiter, Christoph authored
This combines URLs similar to an URL join, but assumes the base URL is the root path instead of the host. This is useful for combining API paths with API server entry points.
- Jul 01, 2021
Reiter, Christoph authored
Instead of using the namespace which is hardcoded we use the tag name that was used to register the element (or the "real" tag name in case of a scoped element). This way if AppShell is regsitered as "dbp-some-app" it can still be overriden by specifying "dbp-some-app" in the overrides object.
- Jun 30, 2021
Reiter, Christoph authored
- Jun 10, 2021
Reiter, Christoph authored
Create a new instance with createInstance() and call setOverrides() with override data to override translations. See the tests for some examples.
- Apr 28, 2021
Reiter, Christoph authored
This has proper support for rollup while providing the same API. This is what open-wc recommends now and uses in their @open-wc/testing package
- Jan 26, 2021
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
- Jul 14, 2020
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
- Jul 01, 2020
Reiter, Christoph authored
This way we can change the full path/namespacing at a later point.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
We now expect the users to pass the right config to vpu-auth. Only the API endpoint config remains which we haven't figured out how to deal with in all cases.
Reiter, Christoph authored
We no longer need to support old edge, so we can just use import.meta.url everywhere which doesn't any initialization.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
In case we try to register the element multiple times under the same name just do nothing. This allows us to not register things by default and register under the same name in multiple places where needed without coordination.
Reiter, Christoph authored
These allow linking multiple AbortControllers and ceate a timeout abort signal. For example in case you want to abort a fetch in case (1) the UI element gets removed (2) a newer request replacing this one gets started (3) a timeout happens because the fetch takes too long createLinkedAbortController() allows merging multiple signals into one and createTimeoutAbortSignal() allows creating a singal that auto aborts after some time passes.
Reiter, Christoph authored
This generalizes the features of the events module and should replace it in the long run. It allows simple pub/sub and retained events without a centralized instance.
Reiter, Christoph authored
While this will never work with old Edge it makes things easier during testing where we can't set an id on the script tag. And we still don't know if supporting old Edge is even needed.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
This splits things into two phases, initAssetBaseURL() will try to set a module wide base url for all assets. The first code to use it successfully will define the asset base url for all future getAssetURL() calls.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
So that rollup can do tree shaking and report import errors.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored