- Nov 17, 2020
Reiter, Christoph authored
Now that we have clearer separated sections in responsive mode the different spacing stand out so unify them a bit. Also in case the menu is in sticky mode it's kinda small and hard to hit via touch so add some padding there and remove some margin from the headline instead to keep the overall height the same.
Steinwender, Tamara authored
- Nov 16, 2020
Reiter, Christoph authored
tests: use tdd mode, unify karma config, don't depend on puppeteer See merge request !7
Reiter, Christoph authored
While it's nice to have a fixed chrome version it slows down the yarn install, downloads a lot of things, and the chrome version depends on various system packages so one needss to have chromium installed anyway. This means developers that want to work on tests need firefox and chdomium installed. Sadly I couldn't find a way to make browsers optional in case the developer only has one installed.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Use tdd in all cases to be more consisstend. Also since last year we can use chai with rollup directly, so do that everywhere instead of relying on karma-chai injecting it in to the global scope.
- Nov 11, 2020
Tögl, Christina authored
Tögl, Christina authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
not supported in firefox 68
Reiter, Christoph authored
auth-keycloak: make sure the token is always valid for at least 20 seconds See merge request !6
Reiter, Christoph authored
More in line with native button elements
- Nov 10, 2020
Reiter, Christoph authored
The keycloak library currently only sends us an event in case the token is about to expire, which is problematic because there is a time window where we don't have a new token yet and on mobile the timers used might be suspended and come too late. To avoid this we check every 10 seconds that the token is valid for 30 and to work around suspended timers we also check on "visibilitychange" which should trigger then the website gets visible again after the browser sleeps.
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
we use ayarn workspaces now
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
- Nov 09, 2020
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
idpHint is only a login option, not an init one
Reiter, Christoph authored
npm has started to complain that yarn uses a different node binary, so just use yarn everywhere.
Reiter, Christoph authored
While this shouldn't make a difference because the callback should only be called when the token is about to be expiring there is no reason to keep the old token around. Just force a refresh always
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
Rename component to dbp-check-in-place-select (#34) See merge request !5
- Nov 05, 2020
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Add anew one since this adds some default padding and I don't want to break existing layouts by changing the normal button. If we figure out a way to keep the layout the same without changing the padding then we can merge things back. Also align the mini spinner a bit better with text
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Because we now use scoped elements and we looked for the static name instead of the dynamically generated one in the DOM.
- Nov 04, 2020
Bekerle, Patrizio authored
- Nov 03, 2020
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Steinwender, Tamara authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
Reiter, Christoph authored
We already do all this in createVideoElement