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File handling web components

You can install these components via npm:

npm i @dbp-toolkit/file-handling

After you have installed the file handling components via npm you can use this example to get a button that opens the file source dialog. After you have selected a file you will see it in your browser log, and the file sink dialog will open, so you are able to store the file again.

<button onclick="openFilePicker()">Open file picker</button>
<dbp-file-source lang="en"></dbp-file-source>
<dbp-file-sink lang="en"></dbp-file-sink>

    const fileSource = document.querySelector("dbp-file-source");
    const fileSink = document.querySelector("dbp-file-sink");

    // Listen to the event from file source
    fileSource.addEventListener("dbp-file-source-file-selected", (ev) => {
        const file = ev.detail.file;
        console.log("File selected: ", file)

        // This will open the file sink dialog
        fileSink.files = [file];

    function openFilePicker() {
        // This will open the file source dialog
        fileSource.setAttribute("dialog-open", "");
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/file-handling/dist/dbp-file-source.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/file-handling/dist/dbp-file-sink.js"></script>

Or you can include the JS files directly via CDN:

<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>


This web component allows the selection of local files via file dialog or drag and drop and to select and download files from a Nextcloud instance or to a dbp-clipboard.




  • lang (optional, default: de): set to de or en for German or English
    • example <dbp-file-source lang="de"></dbp-file-source>
  • allowed-mime-types (optional): if set accepts only files matching mime types
    • example <dbp-file-source allowed-mime-types='application/pdf'></dbp-file-source> ... PDFs only
    • example <dbp-file-source allowed-mime-types='image/*'></dbp-file-source> ... images (of all sub types) only
    • example <dbp-file-source allowed-mime-types='image/png,text/plain'></dbp-file-source> ... PNGs or TXTs only
    • example <dbp-file-source allowed-mime-types='*/*'></dbp-file-source> ... all file types (default)
  • enabled-targets (optional, default: local): sets which sources are enabled
    • you can use local, nextcloud and clipboard
    • example <dbp-file-source enabled-targets="local,nextcloud"></dbp-file-source>
  • disabled (optional): disable input control
    • example <dbp-file-source disabled></dbp-file-source>
  • decompress-zip (optional): decompress zip file and send the contained files (including files in folders)
    • example <dbp-file-source decompress-zip></dbp-file-source>
    • mime types of allowed-mime-types will also be checked for the files in the zip file
  • nextcloud-auth-url (optional): Nextcloud Auth Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-source nextcloud-auth-url="http://localhost:8081/index.php/apps/webapppassword"></dbp-file-source>
    • nextcloud-web-dav-url also needs to be set for the Nextcloud file picker to be active
  • nextcloud-web-dav-url (optional): Nextcloud WebDav Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-source nextcloud-web-dav-url="http://localhost:8081/remote.php/dav/files"></dbp-file-source>
    • nextcloud-auth-url also needs to be set for the Nextcloud file picker to be active
  • nextcloud-file-url (optional): Nextcloud File Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-source nextcloud-file-url="http://localhost:8081/apps/files/?dir="></dbp-file-source>
  • nextcloud-auth-info (optional): Additional authentication information text that is shown in the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-source nextcloud-auth-info="You need special permissions for this function"></dbp-file-source>
  • dialog-open (optional): if this attribute is set at runtime the dialog for selecting local or Nextcloud files will open
    • example document.querySelector("dbp-file-source").setAttribute("dialog-open", "")
  • button-label (optional): the text that is shown on the button to select files
    • example <dbp-file-source button-label="Select files"></dbp-file-source>
  • initial-file-handling-state (optional): An object: initial-file-handling-state' = {target: "", path: ""} for initial opening behaviour. This is supported by the provider! Use this object to sync file source and file sink on one page at first time open.
    • example <dbp-file-source initial-file-handling-state="{target: 'local', path:'my/server/path'}"></dbp-file-source>
    • example provider <dbp-file-source subscribe="initial-file-handling-state"></dbp-file-source>

Emitted attributes

The component emits a dbp-set-property event for the attribute initial-file-handling-state:

  • Target that should be selected the first time (possible values local, nextcloud)
  • initial-file-handling-state.path: Path to initially jump to (only supported by target nextcloud)

Outgoing Events


This event is sent if a file was selected.


This event is sent if multiple files are selected.


This event is sent from nextcloudfilepicker and is send when files are picked and sends the number of selected files

Payload: {'file': File} where File is the binary file that was selected

Exposed CSS variables

  • --dbp-override-image-nextcloud is used to override the cloud image on the connection screen
    • example CSS: html { --dbp-override-image-nextcloud: url(/icons/nextcloud.svg); }


This web component is able to receive files and present as them as ZIP file download or upload files to a Nextcloud instance or to a dbp-clipboard.




  • lang (optional, default: de): set to de or en for German or English
    • example <dbp-file-sink lang="de"></dbp-file-sink>
  • enabled-targets (optional, default: local): sets which destination are enabled
    • you can use local, nextcloud and clipboard
    • example <dbp-file-sink enabled-targets="local,nextcloud"></dbp-file-sink>
  • filename (optional, default: sets a file name to use for downloading the zip file
    • example <dbp-file-sink filename=""></dbp-file-sink>
  • nextcloud-auth-url (optional): Nextcloud Auth Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-sink nextcloud-auth-url="http://localhost:8081/index.php/apps/webapppassword"></dbp-file-sink>
    • nextcloud-web-dav-url also needs to be set for the Nextcloud file picker to be active
  • nextcloud-web-dav-url (optional): Nextcloud WebDav Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-sink nextcloud-web-dav-url="http://localhost:8081/remote.php/dav/files"></dbp-file-sink>
    • nextcloud-auth-url also needs to be set for the Nextcloud file picker to be active
  • nextcloud-file-url (optional): Nextcloud File Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-sink nextcloud-file-url="http://localhost:8081/apps/files/?dir="></dbp-file-sink>
  • nextcloud-auth-info (optional): Additional authentication information text that is shown in the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-file-sink nextcloud-auth-info="You need special permissions for this function"></dbp-file-sink>
  • button-label (optional): the text that is shown on the button to download the zip file
    • example <dbp-file-sink button-label="Download files"></dbp-file-sink>
  • initial-file-handling-state (optional): An object: initial-file-handling-state' = {target: "", path: ""} for initial opening behaviour. This is supported by the provider! Use this object to sync file source and file sink on one page at first time open.
    • example <dbp-file-source initial-file-handling-state="{target: 'local', path:'my/server/path'}"></dbp-file-source>
    • example provider <dbp-file-source subscribe="initial-file-handling-state"></dbp-file-source>

Emitted attributes

The component emits a dbp-set-property event for the attribute initial-file-handling-state:

  • Target that should be selected the first time (possible values local, nextcloud)
  • initial-file-handling-state.path: Path to initially jump to (only supported by target nextcloud)


  • files: an array of File objects which should be downloaded in the dialog
    • if the property is set the dialog opens
    • example: document.querySelector("dbp-file-sink").files = [file] where file is your File object

Exposed CSS variables

  • --dbp-override-image-nextcloud is used to override the cloud image on the connection screen
    • example CSS: html { --dbp-override-image-nextcloud: url(/icons/nextcloud.svg); }


This web component is for a clipboard which saves the files to a provider. These files are available till the page is reload or the browser is closed.


This web component can only used if a dbp-provider is around it.
This web component depends on:

  • dbp-file-sink
  • dbp-file-source


<dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name">


  • clipboardFiles is the object which should be subscribed to the provider to recieve and send the clipboard files to the provider.
    • exmaple <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name"></dbp-clipboard>
  • lang (optional, default: de): set to de or en for German or English
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" lang="de"></dbp-clipboard>
  • enabled-targets (optional, default: local): sets which destination are enabled
    • you can use local and nextcloud
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" enabled-targets="local,nextcloud"></dbp-clipboard>
  • allowed-mime-types (optional): if set accepts only files matching mime types
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" allowed-mime-types='application/pdf'></dbp-clipboard> ... PDFs only
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" allowed-mime-types='image/*'></dbp-clipboard> ... images (of all sub types) only
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name"e allowed-mime-types='image/png,text/plain'></dbp-clipboard> ... PNGs or TXTs only
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" allowed-mime-types='*/*'></dbp-clipboard> ... all file types (default)
  • mode (optional, default: MODE_TABLE_ONLY): the clipboard can used in three different contexts: only showing the clipboard content, in the file-source context and in the file-sink context.
    • example <dbp-clipboard mode="MODE_TABLE_ONLY></dbp-clipboard> ... only the table will shown
    • example <dbp-clipboard mode="MODE_FILE_SINK></dbp-clipboard> ... the file-sink text and functionality is turned on
    • example <dbp-clipboard mode="MODE_FILE_SOURCE></dbp-clipboard> ... the file-source text and functionality is turned on
  • filesToSave this attribute is used by the dbp-file-sink to set the files in an array, which should be saved to the clipboard to the dbp-clipboard web component
  • allow-nesting (optional): is an boolean for demo purposes or special use cases. It availables the clipboard in the file-source and file-sink in the clipboard itself.
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" allow-nesting></dbp-clipboard> ... all file types (default)
  • nextcloud-auth-url (optional): Nextcloud Auth Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" nextcloud-auth-url="http://localhost:8081/index.php/apps/webapppassword"></dbp-clipboard>
    • nextcloud-web-dav-url also needs to be set for the Nextcloud file picker to be active
  • nextcloud-web-dav-url (optional): Nextcloud WebDav Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" nextcloud-web-dav-url="http://localhost:8081/remote.php/dav/files"></dbp-clipboard>
    • nextcloud-auth-url also needs to be set for the Nextcloud file picker to be active
  • nextcloud-file-url (optional): Nextcloud File Url to use with the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" nextcloud-file-url="http://localhost:8081/apps/files/?dir="></dbp-clipboard>
  • nextcloud-auth-info (optional): Additional authentication information text that is shown in the Nextcloud file picker
    • example <dbp-clipboard subscribe="clipboard-files:clipboard-files-global-name" nextcloud-auth-info="You need special permissions for this function"></dbp-clipboard>

Exposed CSS variables

  • --dbp-override-image-nextcloud is used to override the cloud image on the connection screen
    • example CSS: html { --dbp-override-image-nextcloud: url(/icons/nextcloud.svg); }

Nextcloud file picker

The dbp-nextcloud-file-picker component is currently used by the file sink, file source and clipboard components. There is a slot you can use to override to provide additional information.


You use template tags to inject slots into the web component. These templates will be converted to div containers when the page is loaded and will not show up before that.


The content of this slot will be shown below the other text on the Nextcloud file picker connection page.


<dbp-nextcloud-file-picker lang="de">
  <template slot="auth-info">
    <dbp-translated subscribe="lang">
      <div slot="de">
        Für diese Funktion ist ein Bediensteten Account nötig!
      <div slot="en">
        An employee account is required for this function!

Most likely you will override this slot across more webcomponents.

Example for dbp-file-sink:

<dbp-file-sink lang="de" html-overrides="global-override"></dbp-file-sink>

<template id="global-override">
  <template id="dbp-nextcloud-file-picker">
    <div slot="auth-info">
      <dbp-translated subscribe="lang">
        <div slot="de">
            Für diese Funktion ist ein Bediensteten Account nötig!
        <div slot="en">
            An employee account is required for this function!

Local development

# get the source
git clone
cd toolkit/packages/file-handling

# install dependencies
yarn install

# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8002 
yarn run watch-local

# build local packages in dist directory
yarn run build

Jump to http://localhost:8002 and you should get a demo page.

To use the Nextcloud functionality you need a running Nextcloud server with the webapppassword Nextcloud app like this Nextcloud Development Environment.