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Theme-Switcher web component

This web component allows to switch between multiple predefined themes and can detect browsers default theme.


You can install these components via npm:

npm i @dbp-toolkit/theme-switcher

After you have installed the theme-switcher component via npm you can use this example to get a button that opens a dialogue with multiple themes. After you have selected a theme the class of the theme is applied to the body of your html document. To add a style to the specific class you have to

        themes='[{"class": "light-theme", "icon": "sun", "name": "Light Mode"}, 
        {"class": "dark-theme", "icon": "night", "name": "Dark Mode"}]'>

            --dbp-override-background: white;
            --dbp-override-content: black;

            --dbp-override-primary: #2a4491;
            --dbp-override-secondary: black;
            --dbp-override-secondary-surface: white;
            --dbp-override-on-secondary-surface: black;
            --dbp-override-secondary-surface-border-color: black;

            --dbp-override-muted: #767676;
            --dbp-override-accent: #c24f68;
            --dbp-override-info: #2a4491;
            --dbp-override-success: #188018;
            --dbp-override-warning: #c15500;
            --dbp-override-warning-surface: #ffad4d;
            --dbp-override-on-warning-surface: black;
            --dbp-override-danger: #de3535;

            --dbp-override-border: 1px solid black;

            --dbp-override-hover-background-color: black;
            --dbp-override-hover-color: white;

            --dbp-override-background: #151515;
            --dbp-override-content: white;

            --dbp-override-primary: #8ca4eb;
            --dbp-override-secondary: white;
            --dbp-override-secondary-surface: #151515;
            --dbp-override-on-secondary-surface: white;
            --dbp-override-secondary-surface-border-color: #151515;

            --dbp-override-muted: #666666;
            --dbp-override-accent: #c24f68;
            --dbp-override-info: #8ca4eb;
            --dbp-override-success: #7acc79;
            --dbp-override-warning: #f99a41;
            --dbp-override-on-warning-surface: black;
            --dbp-override-danger: #de3535;

            --dbp-override-border: 1px solid white;

            --dbp-override-hover-background-color: white;
            --dbp-override-hover-color: #151515;
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/theme-switcher/dist/dbp-theme-switcher.js"></script>

Or you can include the JS files directly via CDN:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Theme Switcher




  • lang (optional, default: de): set to de or en for German or English
    • example <dbp-file-source lang="de"></dbp-file-source>
  • themes: An array with objects with properties: class (defines the class name which is append to the body), icon (defines the icon which is used for presenting the theme), name (defines the displayed name),
    • if no or only one theme object is added, then the theme switcher would not be displayed.
      • example <dbp-theme-switcher themes='[{"class": "light-theme", "icon": "sun", "name": "Light Mode"}, {"class": "dark-theme", "icon": "night", "name": "Dark Mode"}]'> </dbp-theme-switcher>
  • darkModeThemeOverride (optional)
    • Options:
      • darkModeThemeOverride not set: the theme switcher detects if the browser uses the dark mode and add the dark-theme class automatically to the body if it is in the themes array and no user preference is set
      • darkModeThemeOverride is set: the theme switcher not detects the browser color mode
      • darkModeThemeOverride is set with a string: e.g.: darkModeThemeOverride="dunkles-theme, the theme switcher detects if the browser uses the dark mode and handles the given string as dark mode class


The classes should be defined outside of the body tag.

Local development

# get the source
git clone
cd toolkit/packages/theme-switcher

# install dependencies
yarn install

# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8002 
yarn run watch-local

# build local packages in dist directory
yarn run build

Jump to http://localhost:8002 and you should get a demo page.