Toolkit Showcase Demo page for Auth component
It would be great to have a Toolkit Showcase Demo page for the Auth component to show its documentation.
@euneuber, @BDF32E9143B2CD5B, @19320D286FE1E97C, anyone of you could pick that task if you like
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- Bekerle, Patrizio changed the description
changed the description
- Maintainer
I'll take this.
1 - Neuber, Eugen Ramon assigned to @euneuber
assigned to @euneuber
- Maintainer
is in commit b3bfbf8b
- Author Owner
@euneuber, was there an issue to actually have a login button in the auth-demo component on the auth-demo activity
On pages like we also have a login button in the demo component.
- Neuber, Eugen Ramon mentioned in commit 798971d6
mentioned in commit 798971d6
- Maintainer
Auth-Demo is now like Person-Select-Demo: work in toolkit-showcase and as a stand alone demo.
1 - Neuber, Eugen Ramon closed
- Author Owner
@euneuber I get an error when I click on the bottom demo login button on
Edit: The "normal" login button on the top works as it should.
Edited by Bekerle, Patrizio - Neuber, Eugen Ramon reopened
- Author Owner
This is a problem with the client id you are using, you need to use the appropriate Keycloak client id depending on the deployment target.
- Bekerle, Patrizio mentioned in commit 2947d417
mentioned in commit 2947d417
- Bekerle, Patrizio mentioned in commit 3a12dd1f
mentioned in commit 3a12dd1f
- Author Owner
I fixed it now, @euneuber.
1 - Bekerle, Patrizio closed