If you want to use multiple themes in the appshell, then you have to define the classes inside the `<head>` tag inside the `<style>` tag.
Then add the themes attribute with your themes to the application tag in the `<body>` tag.
### Themes attribute
The themes attribute is organized as an array with objects. The objects have following properties: class(name of the class added to the style tag),
icon (name of an icon, which is displayed infront of the Theme name) and name(Friendly name of your theme).
Attention! Currently we don't support translation of the friendly name, so choose an across languages name.
themes='[{"class": "name-of-your-class", "icon": "name-of-the-icon", "name": "Friendly name of your theme"},
{"class": "name-of-another-class", "icon": "name-of-the-icon", "name": "Friendly name of another theme"}]'
### Example
A full example can be found in each application in the `index.html` of the `app-template` folder. (E.g. [Greenlight app-template](https://gitlab.tugraz.at/dbp/greenlight/greenlight/-/blob/main/app-template/index.html))
## Attributes
-`lang` (optional, default: `de`): set to `de` or `en` for German or English
- example `<dbp-file-source lang="de"></dbp-file-source>`
@@ -108,7 +130,7 @@ Or you can include the JS files directly via CDN:
detects if the browser uses the dark mode and handles the given string as dark mode class
### Note
## Note
The classes should be defined outside of the body tag.