Bekerle, Patrizio authoredBekerle, Patrizio authored
README.md 2.08 KiB
Matomo Web Component
You can install this component via npm:
npm i @dbp-toolkit/matomo
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/matomo/dist/dbp-matomo.js"></script>
Or directly via CDN:
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@dbp-toolkit/matomo@0.2.4/dist/dbp-matomo.js"></script>
(required): set to your Matomo server- example
<dbp-matomo endpoint="https://my-matomo.tld"></dbp-matomo>
- example
(required): set to your site id- example
<dbp-matomo site-id="456789"></dbp-matomo>
- example
object: you need to set that object property for the login-status- example auth property:
{'login-status': 'logged-in'}
- note: most often this should be an attribute that is not set directly, but subscribed at a provider
- example auth property:
object: for sending Matomo events
Emitted attributes
The component receives a analytics-event
attribute to send Matomo events.
It looks like this:
"category": "the category of the event",
"action": "the action of the event",
"name": "the name of the event",
"value": "the value of the event"
Tracking actions
<dbp-provider analytics-event>
<dbp-matomo subscribe="analytics-event"></dbp-matomo>
In your AdapterLitElement component:
this.sendSetPropertyEvent('analytics-event', {'category': 'my category', 'action': 'my action'});
Local development
# get the source
git clone git@gitlab.tugraz.at:dbp/web-components/toolkit.git
cd toolkit/packages/matomo
# install dependencies (make sure you have npm version 4+ installed, so symlinks to the git submodules are created automatically)
yarn install
# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8002
yarn run watch
# run tests
yarn test
# build local packages in dist directory
yarn run build
Jump to http://localhost:8002 and you should get a demo page.