Bekerle, Patrizio authoredBekerle, Patrizio authored
translation.json 3.79 KiB
"error-head": "ERROR: information",
"is-forbidden": "is forbidden",
"troubled-server": "troubled server",
"unknown-problems": "with unknown problems",
"was-not-found": "was not found",
"demo-title": "File Upload Demo",
"required-server": "You need an upload server listening at <a href=\"{{- url}}\"><tt>{{- url}}</tt></a> to receive the files...",
"intro": "Upload multiple files with the file dialog or by dragging and dropping images onto the dashed region.",
"upload-label": "Select some files",
"upload-disabled-title": "The file selection is disabled while uploading!",
"file-source": {
"modal-select-files": "Select files",
"modal-close": "Close dialog",
"nav-local": "My device"
"file-sink": {
"local-intro": "Download {{count}} file",
"local-intro_plural": "Download {{count}} files als ZIP",
"local-button": "Download file",
"local-button_plural": "Download ZIP-file",
"modal-close": "Close dialog",
"nav-local": "My device",
"upload-success-title": "Successful uploaded",
"upload-success-body": "You have successfully uploaded {{count}} file to {{name}}.",
"upload-success-body_plural": "You have successfully uploaded {{count}} files to {{name}}."
"nextcloud-file-picker": {
"open": "Nextcloud",
"open-nextcloud-file-picker": "Select files from your {{name}}",
"folder-last": "Jump to the last directory",
"folder-up": "Jump to the parent directory",
"folder-home": "Jump to the home directory",
"select-files": "Select files",
"refresh-nextcloud-file-picker": "Connect again",
"loadpath-nextcloud-file-picker": "Loading directory from {{name}}.",
"load-path-link": "Go to {{path}}",
"auth-progress": "Authentification in progress",
"last-modified": "Last modified",
"mime-type": "Type",
"filename": "Filename",
"size": "Size",
"init-text-1": "Chose your files from {{name}}.",
"init-text-2": "You need to authenticate first.",
"auth-info": "A new page will open to connect your account.",
"auth-info-2": "A TU Graz employee account is required for this function!",
"connect-nextcloud": "Connect {{name}}",
"open-in-nextcloud": "Open in {{name}}",
"no-data": "No data avaible in this folder.",
"no-data-type": "No data avaible in this folder.",
"select-folder": "Upload in selected folder",
"webdav-error": "Something went wrong",
"add-folder-error": "The resource \"{{folder}}\" you tried to create already exists.",
"add-folder-success": "The folder '{{folder}}' was created successfully.",
"add-folder": "Add new folder",
"add-folder-open": "Open new folder dialogue",
"add-folder-close": "Close new folder dialogue",
"new-folder-placeholder": "New folder",
"load-in-folder": "Load into the current directory",
"load-to-folder": "Upload to the selected folder",
"replace-title-1": "There is already a file with the name ",
"replace-title-2": " in this location",
"replace-text": "What do you want to do",
"replace-new_name": "New Name",
"replace-replace": "Replace",
"replace-skip": "Ignore",
"replace-cancel": "Cancel",
"replace-cancel-all": "Cancel all",
"replace-mode-all": "Do this for the next conflicts",
"something-went-wrong": "Something went wrong. Please reload.",
"upload-to": "Uploading to {{- path}} ...",
"readonly": "You are not allowed to uploade files in this directory.",
"onlycreate": "You are only allowed to create new files in this directory.",
"onlyedit": "You are only allowed to edit files in this directory.",
"select-all": "Select all",
"select-all-title": "Select all files in this folder",
"select-nothing": "Select none",
"select-nothing-title": "Select no files",
"abort": "Cancel process",
"abort-message": "The process was canceled."