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## Usage

Reiter, Christoph
## Attributes
- `lang` (optional, default: `de`): set to `de` or `en` for German or English

Reiter, Christoph
- example `<vpu-auth lang="de" </vpu-auth>`
- `load-person` (optional, default: off): if enabled the logged in user will also be loaded as `Person`
in the `window.VPUPerson` variable

Reiter, Christoph
- example `<vpu-auth load-person></vpu-auth>`
- `force-login` (optional, default: off): if enabled a login will be forced, there never will be a login button

Reiter, Christoph
- example `<vpu-auth force-login></vpu-auth>`
- `try-login` (optional, default: off): if enabled the a login will happen if the user is already logged in
and finishing the login process would not result in a page location change (reload/redirect).

Reiter, Christoph
- example `<vpu-auth try-login></vpu-auth>`
- `keycloak-config`: An object which can contain the following keys: url, realm, clientId, silentCheckSsoRedirectUri
- example `<vpu-auth keycloak-config='{"url": "", "realm": "tugraz", "clientId": "some-id", "silentCheckSsoRedirectUri": "", "scope": ""}'></vpu-auth>`
## Keycloak Config
- `url`: The base URL of the Keycloak server
- `realm`: The Keycloak realm
- `clientId`: The Keycloak client to use
- `silentCheckSsoRedirectUri`: URI or path to a separate page for checking the login session in an iframe, see
- `scope`: Space separated list of scopes to request. These scopes get added in addition to the default ones, assuming the scope is in the optional scopes list of the Keycloak client in use.
## Events to listen to
- `vpu-auth-init`: Keycloak init event - happens once
- `vpu-auth-person-init`: Keycloak person init event - the person entity was loaded from the server
- `vpu-auth-keycloak-data-update`: Keycloak data was updated - happens for example every time after a token refresh
## Local development
# get the source
git clone
cd Auth
git submodule update --init
# install dependencies (make sure you have npm version 4+ installed, so symlinks to the git submodules are created automatically)
npm install
# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8002
npm run watch-local
Jump to <http://localhost:8002> and you should get a Single Sign On login page.