import i18next from 'i18next';
* Like Intl.DateTimeFormat().format() but uses the current language as locale.
* A i18next instance can be created with createInstance()
* @param {i18next.i18n} i18n - The i18next instance
* @param {Date} date - The date to format
* @param {object} options - Options passed to Intl.DateTimeFormat
export function dateTimeFormat(i18n, date, options = {}) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(i18n.languages, options).format(date);
* Like Intl.NumberFormat().format() but uses the current language as locale.
* A i18next instance can be created with createInstance()
* @param {i18next.i18n} i18n - The i18next instance
* @param {number} number - The number to format
* @param {object} options - Options passed to Intl.NumberFormat
export function numberFormat(i18n, number, options = {}) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat(i18n.languages, options).format(number);
export function humanFileSize(bytes, si = false) {
const units = ['kB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB'];
let u = -1;
do {
bytes /= thresh;
} while(Math.abs(bytes) >= thresh && u < units.length - 1);
return bytes.toFixed(1)+' '+units[u];
* @param {string} namespace The namespace to override
* @returns {string} The new namespace name
function getOverrideNamespace(namespace) {
// This just needs to be different to the namespace, make it special
// so it's clear what it is used for in case it ends up in some error
// message or something
return '--' + namespace + '-override';
* Creates a new i18next instance that is fully initialized.
* Call changeLanguage() on the returned object to change the language.
* @param {object} languages - Mapping from languages to translation objects
* @param {string} lng - The default language
* @param {string} fallback - The fallback language to use for unknown languages or untranslated keys

Reiter, Christoph
* @param {string} [namespace] - The i18next namespace to load, defaults to 'translation'
* @returns {i18next.i18n} A new independent i18next instance

Reiter, Christoph
export function createInstance(languages, lng, fallback, namespace) {
if (namespace === undefined) {

Reiter, Christoph
namespace = 'translation';
let overrideNamespace = getOverrideNamespace(namespace);

Reiter, Christoph
var fallbackLng = [fallback, lng, ...Object.keys(languages)];
ns: [overrideNamespace, namespace],
defaultNS: namespace,
fallbackNS: namespace,
initImmediate: false, // Don't init async
resources: {},
Object.keys(languages).forEach(function(key) {

Reiter, Christoph
options['resources'][key] = {[namespace]: languages[key]};
var i18n = i18next.createInstance();
return i18n;
* Sets translation overrides for the given i18next instance. Any previously
* applied overrides will be removed first. So calling this with an empty overrides
* object is equal to removing all overrides.
* @param {i18next.i18n} i18n - The i18next instance
* @param {HTMLElement} element - The element at which the overrides are targeted
* @param {object} overrides - The override data in the following format: "{language: {tag-name: {key: value}}}"
export function setOverrides(i18n, element, overrides) {
// We add a special namespace which gets used with priority and falls back
// to the original one. This way we an change the overrides at runtime
// and can even remove them.
// The scoped mixin saves the real tag name under data-tag-name
let tagName = ((element.dataset && element.dataset.tagName) || element.tagName).toLowerCase();
let namespace = i18n.options.fallbackNS;
let overrideNamespace = getOverrideNamespace(namespace);
let hasOverrides = false;
for(let lng of i18n.languages) {
i18n.removeResourceBundle(lng, overrideNamespace);
if (overrides[lng] === undefined || overrides[lng][tagName] === undefined)
let resources = overrides[lng][tagName];
hasOverrides = true;
i18n.addResourceBundle(lng, overrideNamespace, resources);
i18n.setDefaultNamespace(hasOverrides ? overrideNamespace : namespace);