This Symfony bundle can be used as a template for creating new bundles for the
When including this bundle into your API server it will gain the following
* A custom `./bin/console` command
* An example entity
* Various HTTP methods implemented for that entity
The quickest way to make use of this template bundle is to feed your desired names
to one command and generate a ready-to-use bundle with the correct naming.
See [Generate DBP Symfony bundle]( for more information.
## Using the Bundle as a Template
* Copy the repo contents
* Adjust the package name in `composer.json`, in this example we'll pretend you named your bundle `dbp/relay-your-bundle`
* Invent a new PHP namespace and adjust it in all PHP files
* Rename `src/DbpRelayTemplateBundle` and `DependencyInjection/DbpRelayTemplateExtension` to match the new project name
* Push your bundle on a git server, in this example we'll use ``
* Add the repository to your composer.json (as soon as you published your bundle to [Packagist](
you can remove that block again):
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
* Add the bundle package as a dependency:
composer require dbp/relay-your-bundle=dev-main
* Add the bundle to your `config/bundles.php`:
Dbp\Relay\YourBundle\DbpRelayYourBundle::class => ['all' => true],
DBP\API\CoreBundle\DbpCoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
* Run `composer install` to clear caches
The bundle has a `example_config` configuration value that you can specify in your
app, either by hard-coding it, or by referencing an environment variable.
For this create `config/packages/dbp_relay_template.yaml` in the app with the following
example_config: 42
# example_config: '%env(EXAMPLE_CONFIG)%'
The value gets read in `DbpRelayTemplateExtension` (your extension will be named differently)
and passed when creating the `MyCustomService` service.
For more info on bundle configuration see [Symfony bundles configuration](
## Development & Testing
* Install dependencies: `composer install`
* Run tests: `composer test`
* Run linters: `composer run lint`
* Run cs-fixer: `composer run cs-fix`
## Bundle dependencies
Don't forget you need to pull down your dependencies in your main application if you are installing packages in a bundle.
# updates and installs dependencies from dbp/relay-your-bundle
composer update dbp/relay-your-bundle