This event allows you to add additional attributes ("local data") to the `\Dbp\Relay\BaseCourseBundle\Entity\Course` base-entity that you want to be included in responses to `Course` entity requests.
Event subscribers receive a `\Dbp\Relay\RelayBaseCourseConnectorCampusonlineBundle\Event\CourseProviderPostEvent` instance containing the `Course` base-entity and the course data provided by Campusonline. Additional attributes are stored in the `localData`-map of the base-entity.
Event subscribers receive a `\Dbp\Relay\RelayBaseCourseConnectorCampusonlineBundle\Event\CourseProviderPostEvent` instance containing the `Course` base-entity and the course data provided by Campusonline.
For example, create an event subscriber `src/EventSubscriber/CourseProviderSubscriber.php`:
For example, create an event subscriber `src/EventSubscriber/CourseEventSubscriber.php`: