namespace Dbp\Relay\BaseBundle\API;
use Dbp\Relay\BaseBundle\Entity\Person;
* @param array $filters $filters['search'] can be a string to search for people (e.g. part of the name)
* @return Person[]
public function getPersons(array $filters): array;
* @return Person[]
public function getPersonsByNameAndBirthDate(string $givenName, string $familyName, string $birthDate): array;
public function getPerson(string $id): Person;
* This is only used by external services (e.g. the alma bundle) to translate external persons to internal persons
* @param string $service identifies the service that wants to fetch a person
* @param string $serviceID identifies person by an external id
* @return Person
public function getPersonForExternalService(string $service, string $serviceID): Person;
* Returns the Person matching the current user. Or null if there is no associated person
* like when the client is another server.
public function getCurrentPerson(): ?Person;