vpu-kb-wpe-view.js 3.53 KiB
import {i18n} from './i18n';
import {html} from 'lit-element';
// import JSONLD from 'vpu-common/jsonld';
import VPULitElement from 'vpu-common/vpu-lit-element'
import utils from "./utils";
import commonUtils from "vpu-common/utils";
import {unsafeHTML} from 'lit-html/directives/unsafe-html.js';
* KnowledgeBaseWebPageElementView web component
class VPUKnowledgeBaseWebPageElementView extends VPULitElement {
constructor() {
this.lang = 'de';
this.value = '';
this.html = '';
this.entryPointUrl = utils.getAPiUrl();
* See: https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/guide/properties#initialize
static get properties() {
return {
lang: { type: String },
value: { type: String },
html: { type: String, attribute: false },
entryPointUrl: { type: String, attribute: 'entry-point-url' },
connectedCallback() {
const that = this;
// JSONLD.initialize(this.entryPointUrl, function (jsonld) {
// const apiUrl = jsonld.getApiUrlForEntityName("KnowledgeBaseWebPageElement") + '/' +
// encodeURIComponent(commonUtils.base64EncodeUnicode(encodeURIComponent(that.value)));
// });
window.addEventListener("vpu-auth-init", () => that.loadWebPageElement());
* Loads the data from the web page element
loadWebPageElement() {
if (window.VPUAuthToken === undefined || window.VPUAuthToken === "") {
// sadly there there is no entity url without "collectionOperations" in entity KnowledgeBaseWebPageElement!
const apiUrl = this.entryPointUrl + "/web_page_elements/knowledge_base_web_page_elements/" +
encodeURIComponent(commonUtils.base64EncodeUnicode(encodeURIComponent(this.value))) +
"?lang=" + encodeURIComponent(this.lang);
fetch(apiUrl, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/ld+json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + window.VPUAuthToken,
.then(res => res.json())
.then(webPageElement => {
if (webPageElement !== undefined && webPageElement.text !== undefined) {
this.html = webPageElement.text;
// catch e.g. 404 errors
updated(changedProperties) {
changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => {
if (propName === "lang") {
switch(propName) {
case "lang":
case "value":
case "entry-point-url":
render() {
return html`
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.7.5/css/bulma.min.css">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
Hier kann man dann etwas aufklappen.
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
customElements.define('vpu-knowledge-base-web-page-element-view', VPUKnowledgeBaseWebPageElementView);