Reiter, Christoph authoredReiter, Christoph authored
rollup.utils.js 2.37 KiB
import path from 'path';
import url from 'url';
import fs from 'fs';
import child_process from 'child_process';
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
import selfsigned from 'selfsigned';
import findCacheDir from 'find-cache-dir';
export function getBuildInfo(build) {
let remote = child_process.execSync('git config --get remote.origin.url').toString().trim();
let commit = child_process.execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD').toString().trim();
let parsed = url.parse(remote);
let newPath = parsed.path.slice(0, parsed.path.lastIndexOf('.'));
let newUrl = parsed.protocol + '//' + parsed.host + newPath + '/commit/' + commit;
return {
info: commit,
url: newUrl,
time: new Date().toISOString(),
env: build
export async function getDistPath(packageName, assetPath) {
if (assetPath === undefined)
assetPath = '';
// make sure the package exists to avoid typos
await getPackagePath(packageName, '');
return path.join('local', packageName, assetPath);
export async function getPackagePath(packageName, assetPath) {
const r = resolve();
const resolved = await r.resolveId(packageName);
let packageRoot;
if (resolved !== null) {
const id = (await r.resolveId(packageName)).id;
const packageInfo = r.getPackageInfoForId(id);
packageRoot = packageInfo.root;
} else {
// Non JS packages
packageRoot = path.dirname(require.resolve(packageName + '/package.json'));
return path.relative(process.cwd(), path.join(packageRoot, assetPath));
* Creates a dummy dev server certificate, caches it and returns it.
export async function generateTLSConfig() {
const certDir = findCacheDir({name: 'dbp-dev-server-cert'});
const keyPath = path.join(certDir, 'server.key');
const certPath = path.join(certDir, 'server.cert');
await fs.promises.mkdir(certDir, {recursive: true});
if (!fs.existsSync(keyPath) || !fs.existsSync(certPath)) {
const attrs = [{name: 'commonName', value: 'dbp-dev.localhost'}];
const pems = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {algorithm: 'sha256', days: 9999});
await fs.promises.writeFile(keyPath, pems.private);
await fs.promises.writeFile(certPath, pems.cert);
return {
key: await fs.promises.readFile(keyPath),
cert: await fs.promises.readFile(certPath)