[General] # Assignment name will be generated via Basename + AssignmentName[i]. Following strings will be replaced: # <Group>, <MatrikelNr>, <Team>, <Email>, <GroupName> AssignmentBasename = "espws21_" AssignmentName = ["a<AssignmentNr>_<Team>", "a<AssignmentNr>_Group_<Group>_<Team>", "a<AssignmentNr>_group_<Group>_<Team>", "a<AssignmentNr>_group_<Group>_<Team>"] # delimiter for creating csv, on reading it will be detected automatically CsvDelimiter = ";" #FindGroupPattern = ["(SS)([^0-9]+|)([0-9]+)", "[0-9]+"] FindGroupPattern = ["(Kilian|Clemens|Kajetan|David|Lukas|Thomas|Katrin|Michael|Muhammed|Markus|Felix|Florian|Nives|Lena|Simone|Marlene)(\\s+\\w{1})"] # leave empty to use enumeration on teams (if there are 10 students in a grup teams will be named 01..10 FindTeamPattern = [[], [],[],[]] #FindTeamPattern = [[], ["((Team)|(team))([^0-9]+|)([0-9]+)"]] FirstAssignment = 0 MaxLoginAttempts = 3 MembersPerProject = [1,1,1,1] TeamContainsGroup = false [General.ReplaceCharacters] " " = "_" "," = "" "." = "_" [Gitlab] # AccessLevel = 30 # if false downloaded folders will have same name as repository, if true folder will be named reponame_membername1_membername2... AddNamesToDownloadFolder = true ApiToken = "" ArtifactsToDownload = [] BaseUrl = "https://gitlab.tugraz.at/" ErrNameTaken = 409 FilesToDownload = ["*"] # ["*.c*", "*.h*"] ExcludeFilesFromDownload = ["*testrunner", "Random.cpp", "Random.hpp" ] GroupId = 3443 # GroupName is ignored if GroupId is set > 0 #GroupName = "esp_oop1_isds/esp_ws2021/students" NumberOfThreads = 10 # this repo will be forked, use -1 if you want an empty repository PublicRepoIds = [ 13164, 14546, 15245] [Teachcenter] ExcludeGroups = ["Keine"] # do not create repositories for participants if they have any of these roles ExcludeRoles = ["Vortragende/r", "Manager/in", "Tutor/in"] # columns to consider, please do not remove name, email and group IncludeColumns = ["Name", "ID-Nummer", "E-Mail-Adresse", "Rollen", "Gruppe"] IncludeGroups = ["Kilian", "Kajetan", "Lukas", "David", "Clemens", "Thomas", "Katrin", "Michael", "Muhammed", "Markus", "Felix", "Florian", "Nives", "Lena", "Simone", "Marlene"]#, "Standardgruppe INB05000UF WS21", "Standardgruppe 706012 WS21"] # a0 # IncludeGroups = ["Standardgruppe INB05000UF WS21", "Standardgruppe 706012 WS21"] #IncludeGroups = [ "INF08007UF" ] IncludeRoles = ["Student/in"] LoginUrl = "https://tc.tugraz.at/main/login/index.php" # url of teachcenter page (--> Teilnehmer) Url = "https://tc.tugraz.at/main/user/index.php?id=1186" UrlAppend = "&perpage=all" WantedTableId = "participants" [Teachcenter.LoginData] _eventId_proceed = "" j_password = "" j_username = "" lang = "de" [Testing] CleanCommand = "make clean" NumberOfThreads = 4 PrivateJson = "-j private_results.json" #PrivateTestArgs = "-c test.toml -o private_results.html" PrivateTestArgs = "-c test_all.toml -o private_results.html" PublicJson = "-j public_results.json" PublicTestArgs = "-c test.toml -o public_results.html" SymlinkFiles = ["Makefile", "*framework*", "*test*", "*.toml", "testrunner", "*main.cpp", "*config*"] SymlinkIgnoreFiles = [".g*", "a*.c"] TestModes = ["private"] TesterExecutable = "./testrunner"