import {i18n} from './i18n'; import {css, html} from 'lit-element'; import {ScopedElementsMixin} from '@open-wc/scoped-elements'; import DBPLitElement from '@dbp-toolkit/common/dbp-lit-element'; import * as commonUtils from "@dbp-toolkit/common/utils"; import {Icon, MiniSpinner} from '@dbp-toolkit/common'; import {send as notify} from '@dbp-toolkit/common/notification'; import * as commonStyles from '@dbp-toolkit/common/styles'; import {NextcloudFilePicker} from "./dbp-nextcloud-file-picker"; import {classMap} from 'lit-html/directives/class-map.js'; import MicroModal from './'; import * as fileHandlingStyles from './styles'; function mimeTypesToAccept(mimeTypes) { // Some operating systems can't handle mime types and // need file extensions, this tries to add them for some.. let mapping = { 'application/pdf': ['.pdf'], 'application/zip': ['.zip'], }; let accept = []; mimeTypes.split(',').forEach((mime) => { accept.push(mime); if (mime.trim() in mapping) { accept = accept.concat(mapping[mime.trim()]); } }); return accept.join(','); } /** * FileSource web component */ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) { constructor() { super(); this.context = ''; this.lang = 'de'; this.nextcloudAuthUrl = ''; this.nextcloudName ='Nextcloud'; this.nextcloudWebDavUrl = ''; this.nextcloudPath = ''; this.nextcloudFileURL = ''; this.dropArea = null; this.allowedMimeTypes = '*/*'; this.enabledTargets = 'local'; this.text = ''; this.buttonLabel = ''; this.disabled = false; this.decompressZip = false; this._queueKey = 0; this.activeTarget = 'local'; this.isDialogOpen = false; this.firstOpen = true; this.initialFileHandlingState = {target: '', path: ''}; this.clipBoardFiles = {files: ''}; } static get scopedElements() { return { 'dbp-icon': Icon, 'dbp-mini-spinner': MiniSpinner, 'dbp-nextcloud-file-picker': NextcloudFilePicker, }; } /** * See: */ static get properties() { return {, context: { type: String, attribute: 'context'}, lang: { type: String }, allowedMimeTypes: { type: String, attribute: 'allowed-mime-types' }, enabledTargets: { type: String, attribute: 'enabled-targets' }, nextcloudAuthUrl: { type: String, attribute: 'nextcloud-auth-url' }, nextcloudWebDavUrl: { type: String, attribute: 'nextcloud-web-dav-url' }, nextcloudName: { type: String, attribute: 'nextcloud-name' }, nextcloudFileURL: { type: String, attribute: 'nextcloud-file-url' }, text: { type: String }, buttonLabel: { type: String, attribute: 'button-label' }, disabled: { type: Boolean }, decompressZip: { type: Boolean, attribute: 'decompress-zip' }, activeTarget: { type: String, attribute: 'active-target' }, isDialogOpen: { type: Boolean, attribute: 'dialog-open' }, firstOpen: { type: Boolean, attribute: false }, nextcloudPath: { type: String, attribute: false }, initialFileHandlingState: {type: Object, attribute: 'initial-file-handling-state'}, clipBoardFiles: {type: Object, attribute: 'clipboard-files'}, }; } update(changedProperties) { changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { switch (propName) { case "lang": i18n.changeLanguage(this.lang); break; case "enabledTargets": if (!this.hasEnabledSource(this.activeTarget)) { this.activeTarget = this.enabledTargets.split(",")[0]; } break; case "isDialogOpen": if (this.isDialogOpen) { // this.setAttribute("dialog-open", ""); this.openDialog(); } else { this.removeAttribute("dialog-open"); // this.closeDialog(); } break; case "initialFileHandlingState": //check if default destination is set if (this.firstOpen) { this.nextcloudPath = this.initialFileHandlingState.path; } break; } }); super.update(changedProperties); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.dropArea = this._('#dropArea'); ['dragenter', 'dragover', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => { this.dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, this.preventDefaults, false); }); ['dragenter', 'dragover'].forEach(eventName => { this.dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, this.highlight.bind(this), false); }); ['dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => { this.dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, this.unhighlight.bind(this), false); }); this.dropArea.addEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop.bind(this), false); this._('#fileElem').addEventListener('change', this.handleChange.bind(this)); }); } preventDefaults (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } highlight(e) { this.dropArea.classList.add('highlight'); } unhighlight(e) { this.dropArea.classList.remove('highlight'); } handleDrop(e) { if (this.disabled) { return; } let dt = e.dataTransfer; // console.dir(dt); let files = dt.files; this.handleFiles(files); } async handleChange(e) { let fileElem = this._('#fileElem'); if (fileElem.files.length === 0) { return; } await this.handleFiles(fileElem.files); // reset the element's value so the user can upload the same file(s) again fileElem.value = ''; } /** * Handles files that were dropped to or selected in the component * * @param files * @returns {Promise<void>} */ async handleFiles(files) { // console.log('handleFiles: files.length = ' + files.length); // this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("dbp-file-source-selection-start", // { "detail": {}, bubbles: true, composed: true })); await commonUtils.asyncArrayForEach(files, async (file) => { if (file.size === 0) { console.log('file \'' + + '\' has size=0 and is denied!'); return; } // check if we want to decompress the zip and queue the contained files if (this.decompressZip && (file.type === "application/zip" || file.type === "application/x-zip-compressed")) { // add decompressed files to tempFilesToHandle await commonUtils.asyncArrayForEach( await this.decompressZIP(file), (file) => this.sendFileEvent(file)); return; } else if (this.allowedMimeTypes && !this.checkFileType(file)) { return; } await this.sendFileEvent(file); }); // this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("dbp-file-source-selection-finished", // { "detail": {}, bubbles: true, composed: true })); this.closeDialog(); } /** * @param file */ sendFileEvent(file) { this.sendSource(); MicroModal.close(this._('#modal-picker')); const data = {"file": file}; const event = new CustomEvent("dbp-file-source-file-selected", { "detail": data, bubbles: true, composed: true }); this.dispatchEvent(event); } sendSource() { let data = {}; if (this.activeTarget == 'nextcloud') { data = {"target": this.activeTarget, "path": this._("#nextcloud-file-picker").directoryPath}; } else { data = {"target": this.activeTarget}; } this.sendSetPropertyEvent('initial-file-handling-state', data); } checkFileType(file) { // check if file is allowed const [fileMainType, fileSubType] = file.type.split('/'); const mimeTypes = this.allowedMimeTypes.split(','); let deny = true; mimeTypes.forEach((str) => { const [mainType, subType] = str.split('/'); deny = deny && ((mainType !== '*' && mainType !== fileMainType) || (subType !== '*' && subType !== fileSubType)); }); if (deny) { console.log(`mime type ${file.type} of file '${}' is not compatible with ${this.allowedMimeTypes}`); return false; } return true; } hasEnabledSource(source) { return this.enabledTargets.split(',').includes(source); } /** * Decompress files synchronously * * @param file * @returns {Promise<Array>} */ async decompressZIP(file) { // see: let JSZip = (await import('jszip/dist/jszip.js')).default; let filesToHandle = []; // load zip file await JSZip.loadAsync(file) .then(async (zip) => { // we are not using zip.forEach because we need to handle those files synchronously which // isn't supported by JSZip (see // using zip.files directly works great! await commonUtils.asyncObjectForEach(zip.files, async (zipEntry) => { // skip directory entries if (zipEntry.dir) { return; } await zipEntry.async("blob") .then(async (blob) => { // get mime type of Blob, see const mimeType = await commonUtils.getMimeTypeOfFile(blob); // create new file with name and mime type const zipEntryFile = new File([blob],, { type: mimeType }); // check mime type if (!this.checkFileType(zipEntryFile)) { return; } filesToHandle.push(zipEntryFile); }, (e) => { // handle the error console.error("Decompressing of file in " + + " failed: " + e.message); }); }); }, function (e) { // handle the error console.error("Loading of " + + " failed: " + e.message); }); // no suitable files found if (filesToHandle.length === 0) { console.error('ZIP file does not contain any files of ' + this.allowedMimeTypes); //throw new Error('ZIP file does not contain any files of ' + this.allowedMimeTypes); notify({ "summary": i18n.t(''), "body": i18n.t('') + this.allowedMimeTypes, "type": 'danger', "timeout": 0, }); } return filesToHandle; } async sendFinishedEvent(response, file, sendFile = false) { if (response === undefined) { return; } let data = { fileName:, status: response.status, json: {"hydra:description": ""} }; try { await response.json().then((json) => { data.json = json; }); } catch (e) { // } if (sendFile) { data.file = file; } const event = new CustomEvent("dbp-file-source-file-finished", { "detail": data, bubbles: true, composed: true }); this.dispatchEvent(event); } loadWebdavDirectory() { const filePicker = this._('#nextcloud-file-picker'); // check if element is already in the dom (for example if "dialog-open" attribute is set) if (filePicker && filePicker.webDavClient !== null) { filePicker.loadDirectory(filePicker.directoryPath); } } openDialog() { if (this.enabledTargets.includes('nextcloud')) { this.loadWebdavDirectory(); } const filePicker = this._('#modal-picker'); // check if element is already^ in the dom (for example if "dialog-open" attribute is set) if (filePicker) {, { disableScroll: true, onClose: modal => { this.isDialogOpen = false; this._('#nextcloud-file-picker').selectAllButton = true;} }); } //check if default source is set if ( !== '' && typeof !== 'undefined' && this.firstOpen) { this.activeDestination =; this.nextcloudPath = this.initialFileHandlingState.path; if (this._('#nextcloud-file-picker').webDavClient !== null) { this._('#nextcloud-file-picker').loadDirectory(this.initialFileHandlingState.path); //console.log("load default nextcloud source",; } this.firstOpen = false; } } closeDialog() { this.sendSource(); this._('#nextcloud-file-picker').selectAllButton = true; MicroModal.close(this._('#modal-picker')); } getClipboardFiles() { console.log("+++++++++++++++", this.clipBoardFiles); let htmlpath = []; htmlpath[0] = html`ein file und danach select button<br>`; //console.log("############################", this.clipBoardFiles ); for(let i = 0; i < this.clipBoardFiles.files.length; i ++) { console.log("--", this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].name); console.log("++", i); htmlpath[i+1] = this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].name; //htmlpath[i+1] += html`<br>`; } return htmlpath; } async sendClipboardFiles() { for(let i = 0; i < this.clipBoardFiles.files.length; i ++) { await this.sendFileEvent(this.clipBoardFiles.files[i]); } this.closeDialog(); } static get styles() { // language=css return css` ${commonStyles.getThemeCSS()} ${commonStyles.getGeneralCSS()} ${commonStyles.getButtonCSS()} ${commonStyles.getModalDialogCSS()} ${fileHandlingStyles.getFileHandlingCss()} p { margin-top: 0; } .block { margin-bottom: 10px; } #dropArea { border: var(--FUBorderWidth, 2px) var(--FUBorderStyle, dashed) var(--FUBBorderColor, black); border-radius: var(--FUBorderRadius, 0); width: auto; margin: var(--FUMargin, 0px); padding: var(--FUPadding, 20px); flex-grow: 1; height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #dropArea.highlight { border-color: var(--FUBorderColorHighlight, purple); } @media only screen and (orientation: portrait) and (max-device-width: 800px) { #dropArea{ height: 100%; } } `; } render() { let allowedMimeTypes = this.allowedMimeTypes; if (this.decompressZip) { allowedMimeTypes += ",application/zip,application/x-zip-compressed"; } return html` <!-- <button class="button" ?disabled="${this.disabled}" @click="${() => { this.openDialog(); }}">${i18n.t('')}</button> --> <div class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-picker" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close> <div class="modal-container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-picker-title"> <nav class="modal-nav"> <div title="${i18n.t('file-source.nav-local')}" @click="${() => { this.activeTarget = "local"; }}" class="${classMap({"active": this.activeTarget === "local", hidden: !this.hasEnabledSource("local")})}"> <dbp-icon class="nav-icon" name="laptop"></dbp-icon> <p>${i18n.t('file-source.nav-local')}</p> </div> <div title="Nextcloud" @click="${() => { this.activeTarget = "nextcloud"; this.loadWebdavDirectory();}}" class="${classMap({"active": this.activeTarget === "nextcloud", hidden: !this.hasEnabledSource("nextcloud") || this.nextcloudWebDavUrl === "" || this.nextcloudAuthUrl === ""})}"> <dbp-icon class="nav-icon" name="cloud"></dbp-icon> <p> ${this.nextcloudName} </p> </div> <div title="Clipboard" @click="${() => { this.activeTarget = "clipboard"; }}" class="${classMap({"active": this.activeTarget === "clipboard", hidden: !this.hasEnabledSource("clipboard") })}"> <dbp-icon class="nav-icon" name="clipboard"></dbp-icon> <p>Clipboard</p> </div> </nav> <div class="modal-header"> <button title="${i18n.t('file-source.modal-close')}" class="modal-close" aria-label="Close modal" @click="${() => {this.closeDialog();}}"> <dbp-icon name="close" class="close-icon"></dbp-icon> </button> <p class="modal-context"> ${this.context}</p> </div> <main class="modal-content" id="modal-picker-content"> <div class="source-main ${classMap({"hidden": this.activeTarget !== "local"})}"> <div id="dropArea"> <div class="block"> <p>${this.text || i18n.t('intro')}</p> </div> <input ?disabled="${this.disabled}" type="file" id="fileElem" multiple accept="${mimeTypesToAccept(allowedMimeTypes)}" name='file'> <label class="button is-primary" for="fileElem" ?disabled="${this.disabled}"> ${this.buttonLabel || i18n.t('upload-label')} </label> </div> </div> <div class="source-main ${classMap({"hidden": this.activeTarget !== "nextcloud" || this.nextcloudWebDavUrl === "" || this.nextcloudAuthUrl === ""})}"> <dbp-nextcloud-file-picker id="nextcloud-file-picker" class="${classMap({hidden: this.nextcloudWebDavUrl === "" || this.nextcloudAuthUrl === ""})}" ?disabled="${this.disabled}" lang="${this.lang}" auth-url="${this.nextcloudAuthUrl}" web-dav-url="${this.nextcloudWebDavUrl}" nextcloud-name="${this.nextcloudName}" nextcloud-file-url="${this.nextcloudFileURL}" allowed-mime-types="${this.allowedMimeTypes}" @dbp-nextcloud-file-picker-file-downloaded="${(event) => { this.sendFileEvent(event.detail.file); }}"></dbp-nextcloud-file-picker> </div> <div class="source-main ${classMap({"hidden": this.activeTarget !== "clipboard"})}"> <div class="block clipboard-container"> <h2>Von der Zwischenablage auswählen</h2> <p>Hier können Sie aus der zuvor temporär abgelegte Dateien auswählen.<br><br></p> <p>${this.getClipboardFiles()}</p> <button class="button select-button is-primary" @click="${() => {this.sendClipboardFiles(); }}">Auswählen</button> </div> </div> </main> </div> </div> </div> `; } }