import $ from 'jquery'; import select2 from 'select2'; import select2CSSPath from 'select2/dist/css/select2.min.css'; import {createInstance} from './i18n.js'; import {css, html} from 'lit-element'; import * as commonUtils from '@dbp-toolkit/common/utils'; import * as commonStyles from '@dbp-toolkit/common/styles'; import select2LangDe from "@dbp-toolkit/organization-select/src/i18n/de/select2"; import select2LangEn from "@dbp-toolkit/organization-select/src/i18n/en/select2"; import JSONLD from "@dbp-toolkit/common/jsonld"; import {AdapterLitElement} from "@dbp-toolkit/provider/src/adapter-lit-element"; select2(window, $); export class OrganizationSelect extends AdapterLitElement { constructor() { super(); this.auth = {}; this._i18n = createInstance(); this.lang = this._i18n.language; this.entryPointUrl = ''; this.jsonld = null; this.organizations = []; // For some reason using the same ID on the whole page twice breaks select2 (regardless if they are in different custom elements) this.selectId = 'select-organization-' + commonUtils.makeId(24); this.cache = {}; this.value = ''; this.context = ''; this._onDocumentClicked = this._onDocumentClicked.bind(this); } static get properties() { return {, lang: {type: String}, entryPointUrl: { type: String, attribute: 'entry-point-url' }, value: {type: String, reflect: true}, context: {type: String}, auth: { type: Object }, }; } $(selector) { return $(this.shadowRoot.querySelector(selector)); } select2IsInitialized(elm) { return elm !== null && elm.hasClass("select2-hidden-accessible"); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); document.addEventListener('click', this._onDocumentClicked); this.updateSelect2(); } disconnectedCallback() { document.removeEventListener('click', this._onDocumentClicked); super.disconnectedCallback(); } async load_organizations() { if (this.cache[this.lang] === undefined) { this.cache[this.lang] = this.getAssociatedOrganizations(); } this.organizations = await this.cache[this.lang]; } _needsLoading() { return this.cache[this.lang] === undefined; } _onDocumentClicked(ev) { // Close the popup when clicking outside of select2 if (!ev.composedPath().includes(this)) { const $select = this.$('#' + this.selectId); if ($select.length && this.select2IsInitialized($select)) { $select.select2('close'); } } } _clearSelect2() { const $select = this.$('#' + this.selectId); console.assert($select.length, "select2 missing"); // we need to destroy Select2 and remove the event listeners before we can initialize it again if (this.select2IsInitialized($select)) { $'select2:select'); $select.empty().trigger('change'); $select.select2('destroy'); } } async updateSelect2() { const i18n = this._i18n; await this.updateComplete; const $select = this.$('#' + this.selectId); console.assert($select.length, "select2 missing"); // Show an empty select until we load the organizations if (this._needsLoading()) { this._clearSelect2(); $select.select2({ width: '100%', language: this.lang === "de" ? select2LangDe() : select2LangEn(), placeholder: i18n.t('select-organization.loading'), data: [], disabled: true }); } this.removeAttribute("data-organizations-loaded"); await this.load_organizations(); this.setAttribute("data-organizations-loaded", ""); this._clearSelect2(); const data = => { return {'id': item.object["@id"], 'text': item.code + ' ' +}; }); data.sort((a, b) => { return a.text < b.text ? -1 : a.text > b.text ? 1 : 0; }); $select.select2({ width: '100%', language: this.lang === "de" ? select2LangDe() : select2LangEn(), placeholder: i18n.t('select-organization.placeholder'), dropdownParent: this.$('#select-organization-dropdown'), data: data, disabled: false }).on("select2:select", () => { this.value = $select.select2('data')[0].id; }); // If none is selected, default to the first one if (!this.value.length && data.length) { this.value = data[0].id; } // Apply the selection $select.val(this.value).trigger('change'); } fireEvent() { const organization = this.organizations.find((item) => { return item.object["@id"] === this.value; }); const $this = $(this); if (organization === undefined) { $this.attr("data-object", null); $"object", null); return; } this.setDataObject(organization); const event = new CustomEvent('change', { bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: { 'value': organization.value, 'object': organization.object, } }); this.dispatchEvent(event); } setDataObject(organization) { const $this = $(this); $this.attr("data-object", JSON.stringify(organization.object)); $"object", organization.object); } update(changedProperties) { changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { switch (propName) { case "lang": this._i18n.changeLanguage(this.lang); this.updateSelect2(); break; case "value": { this.updateSelect2(); this.fireEvent(); break; } case "context": { delete this.cache[this.lang]; this.updateSelect2(); break; } case "entryPointUrl": JSONLD.getInstance(this.entryPointUrl).then((jsonld) => { this.jsonld = jsonld; }, {}, this.lang); break; case "auth": this.initAuthPersonOnce().then(); break; default: } }); super.update(changedProperties); } async initAuthPersonOnce() { if (!this.auth.person || this.hasAttribute("data-auth-person-init-finished")) { return; } this.cache = {}; await this.updateSelect2(); // this attribute is used in end2end tests this.setAttribute("data-auth-person-init-finished", ""); } /** * Returns the list of assigned libraries of the current user * * @returns {Array} list of organization objects */ async getAssociatedOrganizations() { if (!this.auth.person) { return []; } let orgUrl = this.entryPointUrl + '/people/' + encodeURIComponent(this.auth.person.identifier) + '/organizations' + '?context=' + encodeURIComponent(this.context) + '&lang=' + encodeURIComponent(this.lang); let response = await fetch(orgUrl, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/ld+json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this.auth.token, }, }); if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText); let data = await response.json(); let results = []; for (let org of data['hydra:member']) { let organization = { id: org.identifier, code: org.alternateName, name:, url: org.url, value: org['@id'], object: org, }; results.push(organization); if (organization.value === this.value) { this.setDataObject(organization); } } return results; } static get styles() { // language=css return css` ${commonStyles.getThemeCSS()} ${commonStyles.getGeneralCSS()} ${commonStyles.getNotificationCSS()} ${commonStyles.getSelect2CSS()} `; } render() { const select2CSS = commonUtils.getAssetURL(select2CSSPath); return html` <link rel="stylesheet" href="${select2CSS}"> <div class="select"> <div class="select2-control control"> <!--> <select id="${this.selectId}" name="select-organization" class="select" style="visibility: hidden;"></select> </div> <div id="select-organization-dropdown"></div> </div> `; } }