import {i18n} from './i18n'; import {html} from 'lit-element'; // import JSONLD from 'vpu-common/jsonld'; import VPULitElement from 'vpu-common/vpu-lit-element' import utils from "./utils"; import commonUtils from "vpu-common/utils"; import {unsafeHTML} from 'lit-html/directives/unsafe-html.js'; /** * KnowledgeBaseWebPageElementView web component */ class VPUKnowledgeBaseWebPageElementView extends VPULitElement { constructor() { super(); this.lang = 'de'; this.value = ''; this.html = ''; this.entryPointUrl = utils.getAPiUrl(); this.error = ''; this.eyeClose = ''; this.eyeOpen = ''; //this.css = 'kb.css'; this.text = ''; this.class = ''; } /** * See: */ static get properties() { return { lang: { type: String }, value: { type: String }, html: { type: String, attribute: false }, entryPointUrl: { type: String, attribute: 'entry-point-url' }, id: { type: String, attribute: false}, error: { type: String, attribute: false}, //css: { type: String }, text: { type: String }, }; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); const that = this; // JSONLD.initialize(this.entryPointUrl, function (jsonld) { // const apiUrl = jsonld.getApiUrlForEntityName("KnowledgeBaseWebPageElement") + '/' + // encodeURIComponent(commonUtils.base64EncodeUnicode(encodeURIComponent(that.value))); // }); window.addEventListener("vpu-auth-init", () => that.loadWebPageElement()); } /** * Loads the data from the web page element */ loadWebPageElement() { if (window.VPUAuthToken === undefined || window.VPUAuthToken === "") { return; } // sadly there there is no entity url without "collectionOperations" in entity KnowledgeBaseWebPageElement! const apiUrl = this.entryPointUrl + "/web_page_elements/knowledge_base_web_page_elements/" + encodeURIComponent(commonUtils.base64EncodeUnicode(encodeURIComponent(this.value))) + "?lang=" + encodeURIComponent(this.lang); var that = this; fetch(apiUrl, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/ld+json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + window.VPUAuthToken, }, }) .then(function (res) { if (!res.ok) { let status_msg; switch (res.status) { case 403: status_msg = i18n.t('is-forbidden'); break; case 404: status_msg = i18n.t('was-not-found'); break; case 500: status_msg = i18n.t('troubled-server'); break; default: status_msg = i18n.t('unknown-problems'); } const error_head = i18n.t('error-head'); that.error = html`<p>${error_head} "<b>${that.value}</b>" ${status_msg} (${res.status}).</p>`; throw new Error('HTTP ' + error_head + ' ' + that.value + ' ' + status_msg + ', status = ' + res.status); } return res.json(); }) .then(webPageElement => { if (webPageElement !== undefined && webPageElement.text !== undefined) { that.html = webPageElement.text; } }) // catch e.g. 404 errors .catch(); } update(changedProperties) { changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { if (propName === "lang") { i18n.changeLanguage(this.lang); } switch(propName) { case "lang": case "value": case "entry-point-url": this.loadWebPageElement(); break; case "text": this.class = this.text !== '' ? 'has-text' : ''; break; } }); super.update(changedProperties); } toggle(e) { const element = this._('#A1'); const img =; const d =; if(d === '' || d === 'none') { = 'flex'; img.src = this.eyeClose; } else { = 'none'; img.src = this.eyeOpen; } } render() { //<link rel="stylesheet" href="${this.css}"> return html` <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> .kb {display: none} span.has-text img {margin-left: 5px} </style> <span class="${this.class}">${this.text}<img src='${this.eyeOpen}' @click="${this.toggle}" alt="open/close"></span> <div class='kb' id="A1"> ${unsafeHTML(this.html)} ${this.error} </div> `; } } commonUtils.defineCustomElement('vpu-knowledge-base-web-page-element-view', VPUKnowledgeBaseWebPageElementView);