import {AdapterLitElement} from './src/adapter-lit-element'; export default class DBPLitElement extends AdapterLitElement { constructor() { super(); this.htmlOverrides = ''; this._localTemplateSlotsImported = false; this._globalSlotsContainer = null; this._globalTemplateSlotsImported = false; this._renderDone = false; } static get properties() { return {, htmlOverrides: {type: String, attribute: 'html-overrides'}, }; } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); if (this._globalSlotsContainer !== null) { this._globalSlotsContainer.remove(); } } _(selector) { return this.shadowRoot === null ? this.querySelector(selector) : this.shadowRoot.querySelector(selector); } firstUpdated() { super.firstUpdated(); this._renderDone = true; this._importTemplateSlots(); } update(changedProperties) { changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { switch (propName) { case 'html-overrides': this._importTemplateSlots(); break; } }); super.update(changedProperties); } /** * Transforms all global override templates or named template slots in the light DOM to named div slots * on the first render. * * Global overrides will replace all existing slotted elements with the same slot name. */ _importTemplateSlots() { if (!this._renderDone) { return; } this._importLocalTemplateSlots(); this._importGlobalTemplateSlots(); } _importLocalTemplateSlots() { if (this._localTemplateSlotsImported) { return; } // Now extract slots from templates contained in the light dom let lightTemplateSlots = this.querySelectorAll(':scope > template[slot]:not([slot=""]'); for (let templateElem of lightTemplateSlots) { // create a slot div container to put in the cloned template content const divElem = document.createElement('div'); divElem.slot = templateElem.getAttribute('slot'); divElem.appendChild(templateElem.content.cloneNode(true)); // remove the old template templateElem.remove(); // put the slot div container with the cloned template in the light DOM this.appendChild(divElem); } this._localTemplateSlotsImported = true; } _importGlobalTemplateSlots() { if (this.htmlOverrides === '' || this._globalTemplateSlotsImported) { return; } // First add global override templates as light dom slots let globalOverrideTemplateElem = document.querySelector('template#' + this.htmlOverrides); if (globalOverrideTemplateElem !== null) { // we need to clone the element so we can access the content const overrideTemplateElemClone = globalOverrideTemplateElem.content.cloneNode(true); const templateOverrideElem = overrideTemplateElemClone.querySelector( 'template#' + this.tagName.toLowerCase() ); if (templateOverrideElem !== null) { const templateOverrideElemClone = templateOverrideElem.content.cloneNode(true); // Find all slots which are direct children (somehow :scope doesn't work here so check parentNode) let globalTemplateSlots = []; for (let e of templateOverrideElemClone.querySelectorAll('[slot]:not([slot=""]')) { if (e.parentNode === templateOverrideElemClone) { globalTemplateSlots.push(e); } } // Global overrides will replace local ones. // Either normal slotted elements or the ones we create from templates. for (let slotElem of globalTemplateSlots) { for (let elm of this.querySelectorAll('[slot="' + slotElem.slot + '"]')) { elm.remove(); } } // Create a dummy node and add it to the the same shadow root the templates are from // By adding it into the template we have the nice side effect that it is not visible let container = document.createElement('div'); globalOverrideTemplateElem.append(container); this._globalSlotsContainer = container; for (let slotElem of globalTemplateSlots) { container.appendChild(slotElem); } // Now move the slots into the light dom of the target. // The parent node in the other shadow root has to stay around for this to work while (container.childNodes.length) { this.appendChild(container.removeChild(container.childNodes[0])); } } } this._globalTemplateSlotsImported = true; } }