import {AdapterLitElement} from "./src/adapter-lit-element"; export default class DBPLitElement extends AdapterLitElement { constructor() { super(); this.htmlOverrides = ''; } /** * See: */ static get properties() { return {, htmlOverrides: { type: String, attribute: 'html-overrides' }, }; } connectedCallback() { this.updateComplete.then(() => { // transform all global override templates or named template slots in the light DOM to named div slots this.transformSlots(); }); super.connectedCallback(); } _(selector) { return this.shadowRoot === null ? this.querySelector(selector) : this.shadowRoot.querySelector(selector); } getTagName() { const tagName = this.dataset ? (this.dataset.tagName || '') : ''; return tagName !== '' ? tagName : this.tagName.toLowerCase(); } /** * Transforms all global override templates or named template slots in the light DOM to named div slots */ transformSlots() { // query all named slots of the component const slots = this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("slot[name]"); // if there are no slots we can exit if (slots.length === 0) { return; } slots.forEach((slot) => { const slotName =; // search if there is a template with the name of the slot in the light DOM of the component const templateElem = this.querySelector("template[slot=" + slotName + "]"); if (!templateElem) { return; } // create a slot div container to put in the cloned template content const divElem = document.createElement('div'); divElem.slot = slotName; divElem.appendChild(templateElem.content.cloneNode(true)); // remove the old template templateElem.remove(); // put the slot div container with the cloned template in the light DOM this.appendChild(divElem); }); // check if we have an "html-override" attribute set so we need to check for the global override template if (this.htmlOverrides !== '') { const globalOverrideTemplateElem = document.querySelector('template#' + this.htmlOverrides); if (globalOverrideTemplateElem) { // we need to clone the element so we can access the content const overrideTemplateElemClone = globalOverrideTemplateElem.content.cloneNode(true); const tagName = this.getTagName(); // then we will look if there is an override for the current tag const templateOverrideElem = overrideTemplateElemClone.querySelector('template#' + tagName); if (templateOverrideElem) { // if there is an override we again need to clone that template so we can access the content const templateOverrideElemClone = templateOverrideElem.content.cloneNode(true); // now we need to look for slots in the override slots.forEach((slot) => { const slotName =; // if a slot is found we need to remove the current slot in the light DOM // so we are not showing the old and new content at the same time if (templateOverrideElemClone.querySelector('[slot="' + slotName + '"]')) { const currentSlotElement = this.querySelector('[slot="' + slotName + '"]'); if (currentSlotElement) { currentSlotElement.remove(); } } }); // append the cloned template to the light DOM this.appendChild(templateOverrideElemClone); } } } } }