import {css, html} from 'lit'; import {unsafeHTML} from 'lit/directives/unsafe-html.js'; import DBPLitElement from '../dbp-lit-element'; import {createInstanceGivenResources, setOverridesByFile} from './i18n.js'; export class Translation extends DBPLitElement { constructor() { super(); this.key = ''; this.lang = ''; this.interpolation = ''; this.langDir = ''; this.unsafe = false; } static get properties() { return {, key: {type: String}, lang: {type: String}, interpolation: {type: Object, attribute: 'var'}, unsafe: {type: Boolean, attribute: 'unsafe'}, langDir: {type: String, attribute: 'lang-dir'}, }; } static get styles() { // language=css return css` .hidden { display: none; } `; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); // init objects with empty string as value for key const de = {}; const en = {}; de[this.key] = ""; en[this.key] = ""; // create i18n instance with given translations this._i18n = createInstanceGivenResources(en, de); // after init of overrides re-render page let local = this; if (this.langDir) { setOverridesByFile(this._i18n, this, this.langDir).then(function(response) { local.requestUpdate(); }); } } update(changedProperties) { let lang = this.lang; changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { switch (propName) { case 'lang': this._i18n.changeLanguage(lang); break; } }); super.update(changedProperties); } render() { // request to i18n translation const translation = (() => { if (this.interpolation && this.unsafe) return unsafeHTML(this._i18n.t(this.key, this.interpolation)); else if (this.interpolation) return this._i18n.t(this.key, this.interpolation); else return this._i18n.t(this.key); })(); // if translation == "", key was not found let key = ""; if (translation != "") { key = unsafeHTML("<!-- key: " + this.key + "-->"); } else { key = unsafeHTML("<!-- key: " + this.key + " not found! -->"); } // load translation text return html` ${key} ${translation} `; } }