import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import url from 'url'; import glob from 'glob'; import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'; import {terser} from "rollup-plugin-terser"; import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'; import replace from "@rollup/plugin-replace"; import serve from 'rollup-plugin-serve'; import urlPlugin from "@rollup/plugin-url"; import consts from 'rollup-plugin-consts'; import license from 'rollup-plugin-license'; import del from 'rollup-plugin-delete'; import md from 'rollup-plugin-md'; import emitEJS from 'rollup-plugin-emit-ejs' import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel' import selfsigned from 'selfsigned'; // ------------------------------- // Some new web APIs are only available when HTTPS is active. // Note that this only works with a Non-HTTPS API endpoint with Chrome, // Firefox will emit CORS errors, see const USE_HTTPS = true; // ------------------------------- const pkg = require('./package.json'); const build = (typeof process.env.BUILD !== 'undefined') ? process.env.BUILD : 'local'; const watch = process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH === 'true'; const buildFull = (!watch && build !== 'test') || (process.env.FORCE_FULL !== undefined); console.log("build: " + build); let basePath = ''; let entryPointURL = ''; let nextcloudBaseURL = ''; let nextcloudWebAppPasswordURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/apps/webapppassword'; let nextcloudWebDavURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/remote.php/dav/files'; let nextcloudName = 'TU Graz cloud'; let keyCloakServer = ''; let keyCloakBaseURL = ''; let keyCloakClientId = ''; let pdfAsQualifiedlySigningServer = ''; const matomoUrl = ""; const matomoSiteId = 131; let useTerser = buildFull; let useBabel = buildFull; let checkLicenses = buildFull; switch (build) { case 'local': basePath = '/dist/'; entryPointURL = ''; nextcloudBaseURL = 'http://localhost:8081'; nextcloudWebAppPasswordURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/index.php/apps/webapppassword'; nextcloudWebDavURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/remote.php/dav/files'; keyCloakServer = ''; keyCloakBaseURL = 'https://' + keyCloakServer + '/auth'; keyCloakClientId = 'auth-dev-mw-frontend-local'; pdfAsQualifiedlySigningServer = ''; break; case 'development': basePath = '/apps/demo/'; entryPointURL = ''; // "/pers" can't go here because it's not allowed in the "Content-Security-Policy" nextcloudBaseURL = ''; // "/index.php" is needed to don't get a "This origin is not allowed!" because the "target-origin" get parameter can't be read nextcloudWebAppPasswordURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/pers/index.php/apps/webapppassword'; nextcloudWebDavURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/pers/remote.php/dav/files'; keyCloakServer = ''; keyCloakBaseURL = 'https://' + keyCloakServer + '/auth'; keyCloakClientId = 'auth-dev-mw-frontend'; pdfAsQualifiedlySigningServer = ''; break; default: console.error('Unknown build environment: ' + build); process.exit(1); } let nextcloudFileURL = nextcloudBaseURL + '/apps/files/?dir='; /** * Creates a server certificate and caches it in the .cert directory */ function generateTLSConfig() { fs.mkdirSync('.cert', {recursive: true}); if (!fs.existsSync('.cert/server.key') || !fs.existsSync('.cert/server.cert')) { const attrs = [{name: 'commonName', value: 'dbp-dev.localhost'}]; const pems = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {algorithm: 'sha256', days: 9999}); fs.writeFileSync('.cert/server.key', pems.private); fs.writeFileSync('.cert/server.cert', pems.cert); } return { key: fs.readFileSync('.cert/server.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync('.cert/server.cert') } } function getBuildInfo() { const child_process = require('child_process'); const url = require('url'); let remote = child_process.execSync('git config --get remote.origin.url').toString().trim(); let commit = child_process.execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD').toString().trim(); let parsed = url.parse(remote); // convert git urls if (parsed.protocol === null) { parsed = url.parse('git://' + remote.replace(":", "/")); parsed.protocol = 'https:'; } let newPath = parsed.path.slice(0, parsed.path.lastIndexOf('.')); let newUrl = parsed.protocol + '//' + + newPath + '/commit/' + commit; return { info: commit, url: newUrl, time: new Date().toISOString(), env: build } } export default { input: (build != 'test') ? glob.sync('src/*.js') : glob.sync('test/**/*.js'), output: { dir: 'dist', entryFileNames: '[name].js', chunkFileNames: 'shared/[name].[hash].[format].js', format: 'esm', sourcemap: true }, preserveEntrySignatures: false, // external: ['zlib', 'http', 'fs', 'https', 'url'], onwarn: function (warning, warn) { // ignore "suggestions" warning re "use strict" if (warning.code === 'MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE') { return; } // ignore chai warnings if (warning.code === 'CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY') { return; } warn(warning); }, watch: { chokidar: { usePolling: true } }, plugins: [ del({ targets: 'dist/*' }), consts({ environment: build, buildinfo: getBuildInfo(), nextcloudWebAppPasswordURL: nextcloudWebAppPasswordURL, nextcloudWebDavURL: nextcloudWebDavURL, nextcloudBaseURL: nextcloudBaseURL, nextcloudFileURL: nextcloudFileURL, nextcloudName: nextcloudName, }), emitEJS({ src: 'assets', include: ['**/*.ejs', '**/.*.ejs'], data: { getUrl: (p) => { return url.resolve(basePath, p); }, getPrivateUrl: (p) => { return url.resolve(`${basePath}local/${}/`, p); }, name:, entryPointURL: entryPointURL, nextcloudBaseURL: nextcloudBaseURL, keyCloakServer: keyCloakServer, keyCloakBaseURL: keyCloakBaseURL, keyCloakClientId: keyCloakClientId, pdfAsQualifiedlySigningServer: pdfAsQualifiedlySigningServer, environment: build, matomoUrl: matomoUrl, matomoSiteId: matomoSiteId, buildInfo: getBuildInfo() } }), resolve({ customResolveOptions: { // ignore node_modules from vendored packages moduleDirectory: path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules') }, browser: true, preferBuiltins: true }), checkLicenses && license({ banner: { commentStyle: 'ignored', content: ` License: <%= pkg.license %> Dependencies: <% _.forEach(dependencies, function (dependency) { if ( { %> <%= %>: <%= dependency.license %><% }}) %> `}, thirdParty: { allow: { test: '(MIT OR BSD-3-Clause OR Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later)', failOnUnlicensed: true, failOnViolation: true, }, }, }), commonjs({ include: 'node_modules/**', }), json(), md({ include: ["../../**/*.md"], marked: { highlight: function(code) { return require('highlight.js').highlightAuto(code).value; } } }), urlPlugin({ limit: 0, include: [ "node_modules/suggestions/**/*.css", "node_modules/select2/**/*.css", "node_modules/highlight.js/**/*.css", ], emitFiles: true, fileName: 'shared/[name].[hash][extname]' }), replace({ "process.env.BUILD": '"' + build + '"', }), useTerser ? terser() : false, copy({ targets: [ {src: 'assets/silent-check-sso.html', dest:'dist'}, {src: 'assets/htaccess-shared', dest: 'dist/shared/', rename: '.htaccess'}, {src: 'assets/*.css', dest: 'dist/local/' +}, {src: 'assets/*.ico', dest: 'dist/local/' +}, {src: 'assets/*.svg', dest: 'dist/local/' +}, { src: 'node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js', dest: 'dist/local/' + + '/pdfjs', // enable signatures in pdf preview transform: (contents) => contents.toString().replace('if("Sig"===a.fieldType){a.fieldValue=null;this.setFlags(r.AnnotationFlag.HIDDEN)}', '') }, {src: 'node_modules/pdfjs-dist/cmaps/*', dest: 'dist/local/' + + '/pdfjs'}, // do we want all map files? {src: 'node_modules/source-sans-pro/WOFF2/OTF/*', dest: 'dist/local/' + + '/fonts'}, {src: 'node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/common/src/spinner.js', dest: 'dist/local/' +, rename: 'spinner.js'}, {src: 'node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/common/misc/browser-check.js', dest: 'dist/local/' +, rename: 'browser-check.js'}, {src: 'assets/icon-*.png', dest: 'dist/local/' +}, {src: 'assets/*-placeholder.png', dest: 'dist/local/' +}, {src: 'assets/manifest.json', dest: 'dist', rename: + '.manifest.json'}, {src: 'assets/*.metadata.json', dest: 'dist'}, {src: 'node_modules/@dbp-toolkit/common/assets/icons/*.svg', dest: 'dist/local/@dbp-toolkit/common/icons'}, {src: 'node_modules/tabulator-tables/dist/css', dest: 'dist/local/@dbp-toolkit/file-handling/tabulator-tables'}, {src: 'node_modules/qr-scanner/qr-scanner-worker.*', dest: 'dist/local/qr-code-scanner'}, ], }), useBabel && babel({ include: [ 'src/**', 'node_modules/pdfjs-dist/**', // uses Promise.allSettled ], babelHelpers: 'runtime', babelrc: false, presets: [[ '@babel/preset-env', { loose: true, bugfixes: true, targets: { esmodules: true } } ]], plugins: [[ '@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', { corejs: 3, useESModules: true } ], '@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import', '@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta'] }), watch ? serve({ contentBase: '.', host: '', port: 8001, historyApiFallback: basePath + + '.html', https: USE_HTTPS ? generateTLSConfig() : false, headers: { 'Content-Security-Policy': `default-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' ${keyCloakServer} ${entryPointURL} ${nextcloudBaseURL} ${pdfAsQualifiedlySigningServer} ; img-src * blob: data:` }, }) : false ] };