image: cache: key: ${CI_PROJECT_PATH} paths: - _yarn_cache before_script: - yarn config set cache-folder "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/_yarn_cache" stages: - test - deploy - e2e test: stage: test script: - yarn install --frozen-lockfile - yarn check --integrity - yarn run test linting: stage: test script: - yarn install --frozen-lockfile - yarn run lint publish: stage: deploy only: refs: - deploy - master script: # # NPM_TOKEN needs to be a "Publish" token with 2FA disabled! # "Automation" tokens don't work with lerna (even if they would work with "npm publish") - echo '//${NPM_TOKEN}' > ~/.npmrc - yarn install --frozen-lockfile - yarn run build - yarn run publish .deploy_defaults: &deploy_defaults except: - schedules stage: deploy script: # Add ssh key - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo "${DEPLOY_KEY}" | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan -t rsa "${DEPLOY_HOST}" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # Deploy - cd toolkit-showcase - dep deploy --file ./../.gitlab-ci/deploy.php "${CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}" - echo "Deployed to ${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL}" # Simple health check - curl --max-time 10 --retry 3 --output /dev/null --silent --show-error --fail --location "${CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL}" deploy_demo: only: refs: - demo environment: name: demo url: variables: DEPLOY_HOST: DEPLOY_KEY: "$DEPLOY_SSH_KEY" <<: *deploy_defaults deploy_development: only: refs: - master environment: name: development url: variables: DEPLOY_HOST: DEPLOY_KEY: "$DEPLOY_SSH_KEY" <<: *deploy_defaults e2e_tests: only: refs: - master variables: E2E_PROJECT: toolkit-showcase stage: e2e trigger: project: dbp/e2e-tests strategy: depend