import {createInstance} from './i18n.js'; import JSONLD from '@dbp-toolkit/common/jsonld'; import {KeycloakWrapper} from './keycloak.js'; import {LoginStatus} from './util.js'; import {AdapterLitElement} from '@dbp-toolkit/common'; import {send} from '@dbp-toolkit/common/notification'; /** * Keycloak auth web component * * * Emits a dbp-set-property event for the attribute "auth": * auth.subject: Keycloak username * auth.login-status: Login status (see object LoginStatus) * auth.token: Keycloak token to send with your requests * auth.user-full-name: Full name of the user * auth.user-id: Identifier of the user */ export class AuthKeycloak extends AdapterLitElement { constructor() { super(); this.forceLogin = false; this.token = ''; this.subject = ''; = ''; this.tryLogin = false; this.entryPointUrl = ''; this._user = null; this._userId = ''; this._authenticated = false; this._loginStatus = LoginStatus.UNKNOWN; this.requestedLoginStatus = LoginStatus.UNKNOWN; this._i18n = createInstance(); this.lang = this._i18n.language; // Keycloak config this.keycloakUrl = null; this.realm = null; this.clientId = null; this.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri = null; this.scope = null; this.idpHint = ''; this._onKCChanged = this._onKCChanged.bind(this); } update(changedProperties) { // console.log("changedProperties", changedProperties); changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { switch (propName) { case 'lang': this._i18n.changeLanguage(this.lang); break; case 'entryPointUrl': // for preloading the instance JSONLD.getInstance(this.entryPointUrl, this.lang); break; case 'requestedLoginStatus': console.log('requested-login-status changed', this.requestedLoginStatus); switch (this.requestedLoginStatus) { case LoginStatus.LOGGED_IN: this._kcwrapper.login({lang: this.lang, scope: this.scope || ''}); break; case LoginStatus.LOGGED_OUT: // Keycloak will redirect right away without emitting events, so we have // to do this manually here if (this._loginStatus === LoginStatus.LOGGED_IN) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGING_OUT); } this._kcwrapper.logout(); // In case logout was aborted, for example with beforeunload, // revert back to being logged in if (this._loginStatus === LoginStatus.LOGGING_OUT) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGED_IN); } break; } break; } }); super.update(changedProperties); } async _fetchUser(userId) { let jsonld; jsonld = await JSONLD.getInstance(this.entryPointUrl, this.lang); let baseUrl = ''; try { baseUrl = jsonld.getApiUrlForEntityName('FrontendUser'); } catch (error) { // backwards compat baseUrl = jsonld.getApiUrlForEntityName('Person'); } const apiUrl = baseUrl + '/' + encodeURIComponent(userId); let response = await fetch(apiUrl, { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token, }, }); if (!response.ok) { throw response; } let user = await response.json(); let dummyUser = { roles: user['roles'] ?? [], }; return dummyUser; } async _onKCChanged(event) { const kc = event.detail; this._authenticated = kc.authenticated; if (kc.authenticated) { let tokenChanged = this.token !== kc.token; =; this.token = kc.token; this.subject = kc.subject; const userId = kc.idTokenParsed.preferred_username; let userChanged = userId !== this._userId; if (userChanged) { this._userId = userId; let user; try { user = await this._fetchUser(userId); } catch (error) { // In case fetching the user failed then likely the API backend // is not set up or broken. Return a user without any roles so we // can show something at least. console.error(error); user = {roles: []}; } if (userId === this._userId) { this._user = user; } } if (this._user !== null) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGED_IN, tokenChanged || userChanged); } } else { if (this._loginStatus === LoginStatus.LOGGED_IN) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGING_OUT); } = ''; this.token = ''; this.subject = ''; this._userId = ''; this._user = null; this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGED_OUT); } } sendSetPropertyEvents() { const auth = { 'login-status': this._loginStatus, subject: this.subject, token: this.token, 'user-full-name':, 'user-id': this._userId, // Deprecated 'person-id': this._userId, person: this._user, }; // inject a window.DBPAuth variable for Cypress/Playwright if (window.Cypress || window.playwright) { window.DBPAuth = auth; console.log("Cypress/Playwright detected"); } this.sendSetPropertyEvent('auth', auth); } _setLoginStatus(status, force) { if (this._loginStatus === status && !force) return; this._loginStatus = status; this.sendSetPropertyEvents(); } static get properties() { return {, lang: {type: String}, forceLogin: {type: Boolean, attribute: 'force-login'}, tryLogin: {type: Boolean, attribute: 'try-login'}, entryPointUrl: {type: String, attribute: 'entry-point-url'}, name: {type: String, attribute: false}, token: {type: String, attribute: false}, subject: {type: String, attribute: false}, _userId: {type: String, attribute: false}, _user: {type: Object, attribute: false}, _loginStatus: {type: String, attribute: false}, keycloakUrl: {type: String, attribute: 'url'}, realm: {type: String}, clientId: {type: String, attribute: 'client-id'}, silentCheckSsoRedirectUri: {type: String, attribute: 'silent-check-sso-redirect-uri'}, scope: {type: String}, idpHint: {type: String, attribute: 'idp-hint'}, requestedLoginStatus: {type: String, attribute: 'requested-login-status'}, }; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); if (!this.keycloakUrl) throw Error('url not set'); if (!this.realm) throw Error('realm not set'); if (!this.clientId) throw Error('client-id not set'); this._kcwrapper = new KeycloakWrapper( this.keycloakUrl, this.realm, this.clientId, this.silentCheckSsoRedirectUri, this.idpHint ); this._kcwrapper.addEventListener('changed', this._onKCChanged); const handleLogin = async () => { try { if (this.forceLogin || this._kcwrapper.isLoggingIn()) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGING_IN); await this._kcwrapper.login({lang: this.lang, scope: this.scope || ''}); } else if (this.tryLogin) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGING_IN); await this._kcwrapper.tryLogin(); if (!this._authenticated) { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGED_OUT); } } else { this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGED_OUT); } } catch (error) { // In case the keycloak server is offline for example this._setLoginStatus(LoginStatus.LOGGED_OUT); send({ summary: this._i18n.t('login-failed'), type: 'danger', timeout: 5, }); throw error; } }; handleLogin(); } disconnectedCallback() { this._kcwrapper.close(); this._kcwrapper.removeEventListener('changed', this._onKCChanged); super.disconnectedCallback(); } }