diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/dbp-nextcloud-file-picker.js b/packages/file-handling/src/dbp-nextcloud-file-picker.js
index 80efe6b1e354d8d8772e2c2918660be043661623..198ddcce6e3f43d0633b83c4ee0b1952ff7863bb 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/dbp-nextcloud-file-picker.js
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/dbp-nextcloud-file-picker.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import {humanFileSize} from '@dbp-toolkit/common/i18next';
 import Tabulator from 'tabulator-tables';
 import MicroModal from './micromodal.es';
 import {name as pkgName} from './../package.json';
+import * as fileHandlingStyles from './styles';
  * NextcloudFilePicker web component
@@ -997,7 +998,8 @@ export class NextcloudFilePicker extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
+            ${fileHandlingStyles.getFileHandlingCss()}
             .visible {
                 display: unset;
@@ -1010,19 +1012,14 @@ export class NextcloudFilePicker extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                 color: var(--dbp-danger-bg-color);
-            .force-no-select{
-                -webkit-user-select: none;
-                -moz-user-select: none;
-                -ms-user-select: none;
-                user-select: none;
-            }
                 margin-bottom: 2rem;  
                 display: inline-grid;
                 width: 100%;
                 grid-template-columns: auto auto;          
-            } <table id="directory-content-table" class="force-no-select"></table>
+            }
             .nextcloud-header div button{
                 justify-self: start;
@@ -1079,82 +1076,7 @@ export class NextcloudFilePicker extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                 -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable .tabulator-col-title{
-                padding-top: 4px;
-                padding-bottom: 4px;
-                font-weight: normal;
-                font-size: 1rem;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="asc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow, 
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="none"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow,
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
-                padding-bottom: 6px;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header, .tabulator .tabulator-header, .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col, .tabulator, .tabulator-row .tabulator-cell, .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-even,
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable:hover{
-                background-color: unset;
-                background: unset;
-                color: unset;
-                border: none;
-                font-size: 1rem;
-            }
-            .tabulator-row, .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-even{
-                background-color: white;
-            }
-            .tabulator-row.tabulator-selectable.tabulator-selectable:hover{
-                background-color: white;
-                color: var(--dbp-dark);
-            }
-            .tabulator-row.tabulator-selectable.tabulator-selected:hover, .tabulator-row.tabulator-selected{
-                background-color: var(--dbp-dark);
-                color: var(--dbp-light);
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col .tabulator-col-content{
-                display: inline-flex;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
-                top: 16px;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="asc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
-                border-top: none;
-                border-bottom: 4px solid #666;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="none"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
-                border-top: none;
-                border-bottom: 4px solid #bbb;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
-                border-left: 4px solid transparent;
-                border-right: 4px solid transparent;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow,
-            .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
-                border-top: 4px solid #666;
-                border-bottom: none;
-            }
-            .tabulator-row, .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-even{
-                padding-top: 10px;
-                padding-bottom: 10px;
-                border-top: 1px solid #eee;
-            }
-            .tabulator-header{
-                padding-top: 10px;
-                padding-bottom: 10px;
-            }
                 display: flex;
                 justify-content: space-between;
@@ -1175,15 +1097,7 @@ export class NextcloudFilePicker extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                 justify-content: space-between;
-            .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder{
-                overflow: hidden;
-            }
-            .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder .tabulator-placeholder span{
-                font-size: inherit;
-                font-weight: inherit;
-                color: inherit;
-            }
                 white-space: nowrap;
@@ -1424,9 +1338,7 @@ export class NextcloudFilePicker extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                     margin: 0 auto;
-                .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder{
-                    white-space: inherit;
-                }
                     justify-self: start;
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/file-sink.js b/packages/file-handling/src/file-sink.js
index 9acdb438bf37f7629562fbaddda9dbcff27988dc..d6ae06e35809ee8ff2d0e73e462edc88c85294c7 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/file-sink.js
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/file-sink.js
@@ -272,6 +272,19 @@ export class FileSink extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                 margin-bottom: 10px;
+            .clipboard-container{
+                display: flex;
+                flex-direction: column;
+                justify-content: center;
+                padding: var(--FUPadding, 20px);
+            }
+            .clipboard-container .inner{
+                overflow-y: auto;
+                text-align: center;
+                width: 100%;
+            }
                 font-size: 2rem;
                 padding: 0 1rem;
@@ -285,6 +298,8 @@ export class FileSink extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                 display: flex;
                 max-width: 400px;
+                text-align: left;
+                margin: auto;
             .clipboard-data h4{
@@ -387,21 +402,23 @@ export class FileSink extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                             <div class="source-main ${classMap({"hidden": this.activeTarget !== "clipboard"})}">
                                 <div class="block clipboard-container">
-                                    <h3>${i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-title')}</h3>
-                                    <p>${i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-text')}</p>
-                                    <button class="button is-primary clipboard-btn"
-                                            ?disabled="${this.disabled}"
-                                            @click="${() => { this.saveFilesToClipboard(); }}">
-                                        ${this.buttonLabel || i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-btn', {count:this.files.length})}
-                                    </button>
-                                    <div class="warning-container">
-                                        <dbp-icon name="warning" class="warning-icon"></dbp-icon>
-                                        <p>${i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-warning')}</p>
-                                    </div>
-                                    <div class="clipboard-data ${classMap({"hidden": this.clipBoardFiles.files.length === 0})}">
-                                        <h4>${i18n.t('file-sink.clipboard-files')}</h4>
-                                        <p>${i18n.t('file-sink.clipboard-files-overwrite')}</p>
-                                        ${this.getClipboardFiles()}
+                                    <div class="inner">
+                                        <h3>${i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-title')}</h3>
+                                        <p>${i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-text')}</p>
+                                        <button class="button is-primary clipboard-btn"
+                                                ?disabled="${this.disabled}"
+                                                @click="${() => { this.saveFilesToClipboard(); }}">
+                                            ${this.buttonLabel || i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-btn', {count:this.files.length})}
+                                        </button>
+                                        <div class="warning-container">
+                                            <dbp-icon name="warning" class="warning-icon"></dbp-icon>
+                                            <p>${i18n.t('file-sink.save-to-clipboard-warning')}</p>
+                                        </div>
+                                        <div class="clipboard-data ${classMap({"hidden": this.clipBoardFiles.files.length === 0})}">
+                                            <h4>${i18n.t('file-sink.clipboard-files')}</h4>
+                                            <p>${i18n.t('file-sink.clipboard-files-overwrite')}</p>
+                                            ${this.getClipboardFiles()}
+                                        </div>
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/file-source.js b/packages/file-handling/src/file-source.js
index ed7ccd1ccf26778ebf00edbb0b7093488caf7fda..fb3e8f7e9c58b03c926407e88999ae733094c045 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/file-source.js
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/file-source.js
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import {NextcloudFilePicker} from "./dbp-nextcloud-file-picker";
 import {classMap} from 'lit-html/directives/class-map.js';
 import MicroModal from './micromodal.es';
 import * as fileHandlingStyles from './styles';
+import Tabulator from "tabulator-tables";
+import {humanFileSize} from "@dbp-toolkit/common/i18next";
+import {name as pkgName} from "../package.json";
 function mimeTypesToAccept(mimeTypes) {
     // Some operating systems can't handle mime types and
@@ -53,9 +56,13 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
         this.activeTarget = 'local';
         this.isDialogOpen = false;
         this.firstOpen = true;
+        this.tabulatorTable = null;
+        this.maxSelectedItems = 5;
+        this.selectAllButton = true;
         this.initialFileHandlingState = {target: '', path: ''};
         this.clipBoardFiles = {files: ''};
+        this.selectedClipBoardFiles = {files: []};
@@ -89,9 +96,12 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
             isDialogOpen: { type: Boolean, attribute: 'dialog-open' },
             firstOpen: { type: Boolean, attribute: false },
             nextcloudPath: { type: String, attribute: false },
+            maxSelectedItems: { type: Number, attribute: 'max-selected-items' },
+            selectAllButton: { type: Boolean, attribute: false },
             initialFileHandlingState: {type: Object, attribute: 'initial-file-handling-state'},
             clipBoardFiles: {type: Object, attribute: 'clipboard-files'},
+            selectedClipBoardFiles: {type: Object, attribute: false},
@@ -130,7 +140,7 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
     connectedCallback() {
+        const that = this;
         this.updateComplete.then(() => {
             this.dropArea = this._('#dropArea');
             ['dragenter', 'dragover', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => {
@@ -145,9 +155,117 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
             this.dropArea.addEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop.bind(this), false);
             this._('#fileElem').addEventListener('change', this.handleChange.bind(this));
+            // see: http://tabulator.info/docs/4.7
+            this.tabulatorTable = new Tabulator(this._("#clipboard-content-table"), {
+                layout: "fitColumns",
+                selectable: this.maxSelectedItems,
+                selectableRangeMode: "drag",
+                responsiveLayout: true,
+                placeholder: i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.no-data-type'),
+                resizableColumns:false,
+                columns: [
+                    {title: "", field: "type", align:"center", headerSort:false, width:50, responsive:1, formatter: (cell, formatterParams, onRendered) => {
+                            const icon_tag =  that.constructor.getScopedTagName("dbp-icon");
+                            let icon = `<${icon_tag} name="empty-file" class="nextcloud-picker-icon"></${icon_tag}>`;
+                            return icon;
+                        }},
+                    {title: i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.filename'), responsive: 0, widthGrow:5,  minWidth: 150, field: "name", sorter: "alphanum",
+                        formatter: (cell) => {
+                            let data = cell.getRow().getData();
+                            if (data.edit) {
+                                cell.getElement().classList.add("fokus-edit");
+                            }
+                            return cell.getValue();
+                        }},
+                    {title: i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.size'), responsive: 4, widthGrow:1, minWidth: 50, field: "size", formatter: (cell, formatterParams, onRendered) => {
+                            return cell.getRow().getData().type === "directory" ? "" : humanFileSize(cell.getValue());}},
+                    {title: i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.mime-type'), responsive: 2, widthGrow:1, minWidth: 20, field: "type", formatter: (cell, formatterParams, onRendered) => {
+                            if (typeof cell.getValue() === 'undefined') {
+                                return "";
+                            }
+                            const [, fileSubType] = cell.getValue().split('/');
+                            return fileSubType;
+                        }},
+                    {title: i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.last-modified'), responsive: 3, widthGrow:1, minWidth: 150, field: "lastModified",sorter: (a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, sorterParams) => {
+                            const a_timestamp = Date.parse(a);
+                            const b_timestamp = Date.parse(b);
+                            return a_timestamp - b_timestamp;
+                        }, formatter:function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
+                            const timestamp = new Date(cell.getValue());
+                            const year = timestamp.getFullYear();
+                            const month = ("0" + (timestamp.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
+                            const date = ("0" + timestamp.getDate()).slice(-2);
+                            const hours = ("0" + timestamp.getHours()).slice(-2);
+                            const minutes = ("0" + timestamp.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
+                            return date + "." + month + "." + year + " " + hours + ":" + minutes;
+                        }},
+                    {title: "file", field: "file", visible: false},
+                ],
+                initialSort:[
+                    {column:"name", dir:"asc"},
+                    {column:"type", dir:"asc"},
+                ],
+                rowFormatter: (row) => {
+                    let data = row.getData();
+                    if (!this.checkFileType(data)) {
+                        row.getElement().classList.add("no-select");
+                        row.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-selectable");
+                    }
+                },
+                rowSelectionChanged: (data, rows) => {
+                    this.folderIsSelected = i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.load-in-folder');
+                },
+                selectableCheck:function(row){
+                    //row - row component
+                    return that.checkFileType(row.getData()); //allow selection of rows where the age is greater than 18
+                },
+                rowClick: (e, row) => {
+                    /*const data = row.getData();
+                    if (!row.getElement().classList.contains("no-select")) {
+                            if (this.tabulatorTable.getSelectedRows().length === this.tabulatorTable.getRows().filter(row => row.getData().type != 'directory' && this.checkFileType(row.getData())).length) {
+                                        this.selectAllButton = false;
+                                    }
+                                    else {
+                                        this.selectAllButton = true;
+                                    }
+                    }
+                    else{
+                        row.deselect();
+                    }*/
+                }
+            });
+    /**
+     * Select all files from tabulator table
+     *
+     */
+    selectAll() {
+        this.tabulatorTable.selectRow();
+        console.log(".....", this.tabulatorTable.getSelectedRows());
+        if (this.tabulatorTable.getSelectedRows().length > 0) {
+            this.selectAllButton = false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deselect files from tabulator table
+     *
+     */
+    deselectAll() {
+        this.selectAllButton = true;
+        //this.tabulatorTable.getSelectedRows().forEach(row => row.deselect());
+        this.tabulatorTable.deselectRow();
+    }
     preventDefaults (e) {
@@ -262,7 +380,6 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
             console.log(`mime type ${file.type} of file '${file.name}' is not compatible with ${this.allowedMimeTypes}`);
             return false;
         return true;
@@ -402,29 +519,42 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
     getClipboardFiles() {
-        console.log("+++++++++++++++", this.clipBoardFiles);
-        let htmlpath = [];
-        htmlpath[0] =  html`ein file und danach select button<br>`;
-        //console.log("############################", this.clipBoardFiles );
-        for(let i = 0; i < this.clipBoardFiles.files.length; i ++)
-        {
-            console.log("--", this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].name);
-            console.log("++", i);
-            htmlpath[i+1] =  this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].name;
-            //htmlpath[i+1] +=  html`<br>`;
+        let data = [];
+        data[0] = {
+            name: "test",
+            size: 1234324432,
+            type: "application/pdf",
+            lastModified:  1616417323351,
+            file: null
+        };
+        for (let i = 0; i < this.clipBoardFiles.files.length; i++){
+            data[i] = {
+                name: this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].name,
+                size: this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].size,
+                type: this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].type,
+                lastModified: this.clipBoardFiles.files[i].lastModified,
+                file: this.clipBoardFiles.files[i]
+            };
+        }
+        if (this.tabulatorTable !== null){
+            this.tabulatorTable.clearData();
+            this.tabulatorTable.setData(data);
-        return htmlpath;
-    async sendClipboardFiles() {
-        for(let i = 0; i < this.clipBoardFiles.files.length; i ++)
+    async sendClipboardFiles(files) {
+        for(let i = 0; i < files.length; i ++)
-            await this.sendFileEvent(this.clipBoardFiles.files[i]);
+            await this.sendFileEvent(files[i].file);
+        this.tabulatorTable.deselectRow();
@@ -465,6 +595,36 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
             #dropArea.highlight {
                 border-color: var(--FUBorderColorHighlight, purple);
+            .clipboard-container{
+                display: flex;
+                flex-direction: column;
+                justify-content: center;
+                padding: var(--FUPadding, 20px);
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 100%;
+                position: relative;
+            }
+            .clipboard-container .wrapper{
+                overflow-y: auto;
+                text-align: center;
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 100%;
+                display: flex;
+                flex-direction: column;
+                justify-content: center;
+            }
+            .clipboard-container .wrapper .inner{
+                overflow-y: auto;
+                text-align: center;
+                width: 100%;
+            }
+            .clipboard-footer{
+                align-self: end;
+            }
              @media only screen
@@ -486,6 +646,8 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
             allowedMimeTypes += ",application/zip,application/x-zip-compressed";
+        const tabulatorCss = commonUtils.getAssetURL(pkgName, 'tabulator-tables/css/tabulator.min.css');
         return html`
             <button class="button"
@@ -493,6 +655,7 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                 @click="${() => { this.openDialog(); }}">${i18n.t('file-source.open-menu')}</button>
             <div class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-picker" aria-hidden="true">
+                <link rel="stylesheet" href="${tabulatorCss}">
                 <div class="modal-overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close>
                     <div class="modal-container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-picker-title">
                         <nav class="modal-nav">
@@ -557,11 +720,33 @@ export class FileSource extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPLitElement) {
                             <div class="source-main ${classMap({"hidden": this.activeTarget !== "clipboard"})}">
                                 <div class="block clipboard-container">
-                                    <h2>Von der Zwischenablage auswählen</h2>
-                                    <p>Hier können Sie aus der zuvor temporär abgelegte Dateien auswählen.<br><br></p>
-                                    <p>${this.getClipboardFiles()}</p>
-                                    <button class="button select-button is-primary"
-                                            @click="${() => {this.sendClipboardFiles(); }}">Auswählen</button>
+                                    <div class="wrapper">
+                                        <div class="inner">
+                                            <h3>${i18n.t('file-source.clipboard-title')}</h3>
+                                            <p>${i18n.t('file-source.clipboard-body')}<br><br></p>
+                                            <p class="${classMap({"hidden": this.clipBoardFiles.files.length !== 0})}">${i18n.t('file-source.clipboard-no-files')}</p>
+                                            <div class="clipboard-table ">
+                                                ${this.getClipboardFiles()}
+                                                <div id="select-all-wrapper"">
+                                                    <button class="button ${classMap({hidden: !this.selectAllButton})}"
+                                                            title="${i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.select-all-title')}"
+                                                            @click="${() => { this.selectAll(); }}">
+                                                            ${i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.select-all')}
+                                                    </button>
+                                                    <button class="button ${classMap({hidden: this.selectAllButton})}"
+                                                            title="${i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.select-nothing-title')}"
+                                                            @click="${() => { this.deselectAll(); }}">
+                                                            ${i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.select-nothing')}
+                                                    </button>
+                                                </div>
+                                                <table id="clipboard-content-table" class="force-no-select"></table>
+                                            </div>
+                                        </div>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div class="clipboard-footer  ${classMap({"hidden": this.clipBoardFiles.files.length === 0})}">
+                                        <button class="button select-button is-primary" 
+                                                @click="${() => { this.sendClipboardFiles(this.tabulatorTable.getSelectedData()); }}">${i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.select-files')}</button>
+                                    </div>
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json
index e84c3f9942e45bf7fb34717c7c7bf521253a67b4..72f749d9c7d797e5795f588653f404f749a460a8 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
     "modal-close": "Dialog schließen",
     "nav-local": "Lokaler Computer",
     "no-usable-files-in-zip": "ZIP Datei enthält keine verwendbaren Dateien",
-    "no-usable-files-hint": "Laden Sie eine ZIP Datei mit Dateien von folgendem Typ hoch: "
+    "no-usable-files-hint": "Laden Sie eine ZIP Datei mit Dateien von folgendem Typ hoch: ",
+    "clipboard-title": "Vom Clipboard auswählen",
+    "clipboard-body": "Hier können Sie aus der zuvor temporär abgelegte Dateien auswählen.",
+    "clipboard-select-btn": "Auswählen",
+    "clipboard-no-files": "Aktuell befinden sich keine Dateien im Clipboard."
   "file-sink": {
     "local-intro": "{{count}} Datei herunterladen",
@@ -34,9 +38,9 @@
     "save-to-clipboard-btn_plural": "{{count}} Dateien ablegen",
     "save-to-clipboard-title": "Dateien im Clipboard ablegen",
     "save-to-clipboard-text": "Hier können Sie Dateien temporär ablegen.",
-    "save-to-clipboard-warning": "Vorsicht! Wenn Sie den Browser schließen, die Seite neu laden oder neue Dateien hinzufügen, wird das Clipboard automatisch geleert!",
+    "save-to-clipboard-warning": "Vorsicht! Wenn Sie den Browser schließen, die Seite neu laden oder neue Dateien hinzufügen, wird das bestehende Clipboard automatisch verworfen!",
     "clipboard-files": "Aktuell vorhandene Dateien im Clipboard",
-    "clipboard-files-overwrite": "Folgende Dateien werden überschrieben:"
+    "clipboard-files-overwrite": "Folgende Dateien werden verworfen:"
   "nextcloud-file-picker": {
     "open": "Nextcloud",
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json
index c5c90591f2acf4060d6584ed887f5ff7c0bc7fca..562300a34f0e1f871458cf1d6c1a18797caa060c 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
     "modal-close": "Close dialog",
     "nav-local": "My device",
     "no-usable-files-in-zip": "ZIP file does not contain any usable files",
-    "no-usable-files-hint": "Upload a ZIP file with file type(s) of "
+    "no-usable-files-hint": "Upload a ZIP file with file type(s) of ",
+    "clipboard-title": "Select files from clipboard",
+    "clipboard-body": "Here you can choose from the previously temporarily cached files.",
+    "clipboard-select-btn": "Select",
+    "clipboard-no-files": "There are currently no files in the clipboard."
   "file-sink": {
     "local-intro": "Download {{count}} file",
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/styles.js b/packages/file-handling/src/styles.js
index 3ae377135200f3cd4154bf8ad138e8aa6dace0ed..ca7b650c2ccdedf63595c38d87da21a8922166fe 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/styles.js
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/styles.js
@@ -105,11 +105,127 @@ export function getFileHandlingCss() {
             grid-area: main;
+        /**********************************\\
+            Tabulator table styles
+         \\*********************************/
-        /**************************\\
-         Mobile Landscape Styles
-       \\**************************/
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable .tabulator-col-title{
+            padding-top: 4px;
+            padding-bottom: 4px;
+            font-weight: normal;
+            font-size: 1rem;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="asc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow,
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="none"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow,
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
+            padding-bottom: 6px;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header, .tabulator .tabulator-header, .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col, .tabulator, .tabulator-row .tabulator-cell, .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-even,
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable:hover{
+            background-color: unset;
+            background: unset;
+            color: unset;
+            border: none;
+            font-size: 1rem;
+        }
+        .tabulator-row, .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-even{
+            background-color: white;
+        }
+        .tabulator-row.tabulator-selectable.tabulator-selectable:hover{
+            background-color: white;
+            color: var(--dbp-dark);
+        }
+        .tabulator-row.tabulator-selectable.tabulator-selected:hover, .tabulator-row.tabulator-selected{
+            background-color: var(--dbp-dark);
+            color: var(--dbp-light);
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col .tabulator-col-content{
+            display: inline-flex;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
+            top: 16px;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="asc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
+            border-top: none;
+            border-bottom: 4px solid #666;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="none"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
+            border-top: none;
+            border-bottom: 4px solid #bbb;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
+            border-left: 4px solid transparent;
+            border-right: 4px solid transparent;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow,
+        .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col.tabulator-sortable[aria-sort="desc"] .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-arrow{
+            border-top: 4px solid #666;
+            border-bottom: none;
+        }
+        .tabulator-row, .tabulator-row.tabulator-row-even{
+            padding-top: 10px;
+            padding-bottom: 10px;
+            border-top: 1px solid #eee;
+        }
+        .tabulator-header{
+            padding-top: 10px;
+            padding-bottom: 10px;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder{
+            overflow: hidden;
+        }
+        .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder .tabulator-placeholder span{
+            font-size: inherit;
+            font-weight: inherit;
+            color: inherit;
+        }
+        .force-no-select{
+            -webkit-user-select: none;
+            -moz-user-select: none;
+            -ms-user-select: none;
+            user-select: none;
+        }
+        @media only screen
+        and (orientation: portrait)
+        and (max-device-width: 765px) {
+            .tabulator .tabulator-tableHolder{
+                white-space: inherit;
+            }
+        }
+            /**************************\\
+             Mobile Landscape Styles
+           \\**************************/
         @media only screen
         and (orientation: landscape)