From 6676a9feb211591fb38f0854f52748126dd3f3fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrizio Bekerle <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 09:48:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add more translation

 packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json     | 9 ++++++++-
 packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json     | 9 ++++++++-
 packages/file-handling/src/vpu-nextcloud-file-picker.js | 1 -
 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json
index c0d180b4..5e187605 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/de/translation.json
@@ -9,5 +9,12 @@
   "server-required": "Es wird unter der URL <a href=\"{{- url}}\"><tt>{{- url}}</tt></a> ein Server benötigt um die Dateien zu empfangen.",
   "intro": "Laden Sie mehrere Dateien mit dem Auswahldialog oder durch Ziehen und Fallenlassen in diesem Bereich hoch",
   "upload-label": "Dateiauswahl",
-  "upload-disabled-title": "Die Dateiauswahl ist während dem Hochladvorgang gesperrt!"
+  "upload-disabled-title": "Die Dateiauswahl ist während dem Hochladvorgang gesperrt!",
+  "nextcloud-file-picker": {
+    "open": "Nextcloud",
+    "open-nextcloud-file-picker": "Dateien von Ihrer Nextcloud auswählen",
+    "folder-last": "In das zuletzt ausgewählte Verzeichnis springen",
+    "folder-up": "In das übergeordnete Verzeichnis springen",
+    "select-files": "Dateien auswählen"
+  }
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json
index a1981e90..56bb33a3 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/i18n/en/translation.json
@@ -9,5 +9,12 @@
   "required-server": "You need an upload server listening at <a href=\"{{- url}}\"><tt>{{- url}}</tt></a> to receive the files...",
   "intro": "Upload multiple files with the file dialog or by dragging and dropping images onto the dashed region",
   "upload-label": "Select some files",
-  "upload-disabled-title": "The file selection is disabled while uploading!"
+  "upload-disabled-title": "The file selection is disabled while uploading!",
+  "nextcloud-file-picker": {
+    "open": "Nextcloud",
+    "open-nextcloud-file-picker": "Select files from your Nextcloud",
+    "folder-last": "Jump to the last directory",
+    "folder-up": "Jump to the parent directory",
+    "select-files": "Select files"
+  }
diff --git a/packages/file-handling/src/vpu-nextcloud-file-picker.js b/packages/file-handling/src/vpu-nextcloud-file-picker.js
index fed15c0f..b40c94e2 100644
--- a/packages/file-handling/src/vpu-nextcloud-file-picker.js
+++ b/packages/file-handling/src/vpu-nextcloud-file-picker.js
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ export class NextcloudFilePicker extends ScopedElementsMixin(VPULitElement) {
                         @click="${() => { this.loadDirectory(this.getParentDirectoryPath()); }}">&#8679;</button>
                 <table id="directory-content-table"></table>
                 <button class="button"
-                        title="${i18n.t('nextcloud-file-picker.folder-up')}"
                         @click="${() => { this.downloadFiles(this.tabulatorTable.getSelectedData()); }}">${i18n.t('')}</button>