const { src, dest, parallel, series, watch } = require('gulp') var ts = require('gulp-typescript') var concat = require('gulp-concat') var merge = require('merge2') var fs = require('file-system') var del = require('del') var wp = require('webpack') var webpacks = require('webpack-stream') var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create() var argv = require('yargs').argv var paths = { src: './src/', tsbuild: './src/ts/build/', build: './build/' } var files = { css: 'style.css', mainjs: 'js/ts/page.js', js: 'page.js' } function cleantsc() { return del([paths.tsbuild]) } function clean() { return del([paths.tsbuild ,]) } exports.clean = clean exports.clean.description = 'Cleans the project' function transpile() { var tsResult = src(paths.src + '**/*.ts') .pipe(ts.createProject(require('./tsconfig').compilerOptions)()) return merge([ tsResult.dts.pipe(dest(paths.tsbuild + 'd/')), tsResult.js.pipe(dest(paths.tsbuild + 'js/')) ]) } exports.transpile = series(clean, transpile) exports.transpile.description = 'Transpiles .ts files using tsconfig.json' function webpack() { return src(paths.tsbuild + files.mainjs) .pipe(webpacks({ output: { filename: files.js }, plugins: [ new wp.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin() ], devtool: 'source-map', mode: 'none' })) .pipe(dest( .pipe( } exports.webpack = series(clean, transpile, webpack) exports.webpack.description = 'Bundles the main JavaScript file' function css() { return src(paths.src + 'css/*.css') .pipe(concat(files.css)) .pipe(dest( } exports.css = css exports.css.description = 'Bundles CSS source files into style.css' // Generate icon-definitions.ts from optimized icons // This removes stoke and fill colors since we set them with css to save space function icon_definitions() { var data = '' fs.recurseSync(paths.src+'icons', function(filepath, relative, filename) { if (!filename) return const fileContent = fs.fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString().replace(/\n/g, ''); data += 'export const ' + filename.slice(0, -4).replace('-', '_') + '_icon = ' data += '`' + fileContent + '`;'; data += '\n\n' }) data = data.replace(/ ?(?:stroke|fill)="(none|#?[0-9A-Za-z]+)"/g, (match, value) => { //remove stroke and fill attributes: fill="black" or stroke="#aaa" return value.toLowerCase() === 'none' ? `${match}` : ''; // preserve 'none' values for fill and stroke }); data = data.replace(/style="([^"]*)"/g, (match, styleAttr) => { //remove stroke and fill elements in style attribute: style="stroke:black" const cleanedStyle = styleAttr.replace(/\b(?:fill|stroke):\s*([^;]*);?/gi, (match, value) => { return value.toLowerCase() === 'none' ? `${match};` : ''; // Preserve 'none' values for fill and stroke }); return `style="${cleanedStyle}"`; }); data = data.replace(/ ?style=" *" ?/g,'').replace(/;;+/g,';') //remove redundant semicolons and empty style attributes fs.writeFile(paths.src + "ts/icon-definitions.ts", data) return Promise.resolve('') } exports.icons = series(icon_definitions) exports.icons.description = 'Optimises SVG files and writes icon-definitions.ts' function html() { src(paths.src + 'html/**/*.*') .pipe(dest( return src(paths.src + 'tests/**/*.*') .pipe(dest( + 'tests/')) } exports.assemble = parallel(exports.webpack, html, css, exports.icons) exports.assemble.description = 'Assembles HTML, CSS, and JS output files' function copy() { fs.recurseSync( + 'html', function(filepath, relative, filename) { //if filename is undefined, it's a directory if(filename == undefined && (filepath.match(/\\/g) || []).length == 2) { src( .pipe(dest(filepath)) } }) src( .pipe(dest( return Promise.resolve('') } = series(clean, exports.assemble) = 'Cleans and builds the project' function stream() { return } const buildnc = series(parallel(series(cleantsc, transpile, webpack), html, css), copy, stream) function loop() { var arg = (argv.slide || argv.s); var dir = 'tests/'; var file = 'notes.html'; if(arg) { if(arg.lastIndexOf('/')) dir = arg.substring(0, arg.lastIndexOf('/')+1); file = arg.substring(arg.lastIndexOf('/')+1); } browserSync.init({ server: { index: dir + file, baseDir: [, + dir], } }) watch(paths.src + '**/*.*', buildnc) } const gwatch = series(, loop) = gwatch = 'Automatically triggers build whenever a source file is changed and updates the browser' = { '--slide | -s': 'Pass a custom slide deck to display (e.g. examples/rslidy-intro/index.html)' }; exports.default =